My Garden Project!!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by AKULA, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. AKULA

    AKULA Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 1, 2010
    Hi Everyone,
    Im newish to the forum (ive posted a few threads), and im definitely new to gardening. Having moved into my home 3 years ago, ive now gotten round to doing something with the garden. I plan on taking 12 -18 months to complete my project wth the main priorities for this year being, to put a pathway in, build a decked area at the bottom, and build up a collection of plants to put in the ground next spring. There are numerous other jobs, like installing a barrier to prevent my bamboo spreading etc, but the missus wants the path in pronto!! Ive posted some pictures below of how the garden looks now ( excuse the half inflated paddling pool :lollol:),
    and i intend to update this thread as i go along. I would like to invite other members to share ideas or provide advice that they think is appropriate.
    My goal is to create a tropical looking garden with plenty of unusual plants including bananas, palms, spikes etc. ( im fully aware of the need to protect from winter frosts)
    I have begun collecting and potting some plants already, which i will plant next year, they are currently growing in pots on my decking. To keep costs to a minimum i have been buying small cheap plants with the intention of growing them up to be larger and healthier for next year. Recently i have picked up some bargains including a 30" Canary Island Palm for £3!!!

    Overview of the garden


    The bottom of the garden where i intend to build a decked area and rendered wall.

    The hyper aggressive bamboo!!! This has exploded into growth this year with 30-40 new shoots coming through!!!

    Here are some of the plants i have collected so far, they include: Japonicas, palms, red bananas, cordylines, ferns and some giant rhubarb seedlings

    Im going to level the garden off and either build the wall at the bottom or put the path in within the next two weeks, s
    i'll update som pics later :)

    Wish me luck
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :gnthb: Hi Wayne, I am wishing you luck..!! :gnthb: You will do it I am sure as you feel ready to do it now.. You have some nice looking plants in waiting I can see so looking forward to seeing it progress. You have a nice shape to start with so looking forward to your progress.. We have a few other Tropical gardeners on here too so I am sure you will get some input from them too..! :thumb: :)

    :flag: Wayne you will see I have resized your photos as they were larger than we allow on GC.. Our size limit is 800x600 max.! Have a look at these threads.. Cheers Marley.:)
  3. Riggaz

    Riggaz Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 5, 2010
    looks interesting, reminds me of the style of garden i had at home in Australia! Look forward to seeing some results!
  4. tirednewdad

    tirednewdad Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 16, 2010
    Good luck with your garden project- it looks really exciting. Before you do anything just think what your garden will be used for before you design it. i.e access to washing lines/ somewhere to entertain for BBQ's/ area for the kids to play.

    I got a book, from my local libary about garden design/planning and i found it really made me think hard and opened my eyes about the garden space and it's use; can't remember the name but it was by a guy called Paul Power i think.

    Any way good luck

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