buy from bloomsbury?

Discussion in 'Retailer Feedback' started by Lady Gardener, May 26, 2006.

  1. Lady Gardener

    Lady Gardener Gardener

    Oct 21, 2005
    after ordering a full set of tools on May 3rd [order confirmed], i sent two emails this week asking what was happening, there was no reply
    i phoned the company and was told that the order labels went to the warehouse on May 22nd, and that there was no manager who could deal with this, and the supervisor worked for mail order and was not able to offer any explanation,,,,, certainly no apology
    did any1 else take up the offer or have dealings with this firm please?
    UPDATE 8th JUNE ....... after 3rd email the BOSS emailed me, apologised and despatched the goods less one item which was out of stock, the quality is excellent, and i might buy another set to sell at car boot sale!!!

    [ 09. June 2006, 05:53 AM: Message edited by: Lady Gardener ]
  2. bluemolly

    bluemolly Apprentice Gardener

    May 28, 2006
    Oh NO,i ordered goods totalling �£68.00 from Gardening express at the beginning of may,
    there was a whole list of plants/citrus tree/perennials have received nothing. I have emailed then using there own support network online, at first they told me of delays but that time has also come and gone now, still no plants.
    I think I will ring the credit card company see what they can do. Really not looking too good for this comapny at all, as I am failrly new to gardening it has put me off internet dealings completely.
  3. bluemolly

    bluemolly Apprentice Gardener

    May 28, 2006
    oops sorry, should have posted this under post Gardening express "rip off" apologies, new to these forums.


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