Here is a preview of my experiences yesterday I hope you enjoy
:halp: Oh my gosh Whiskey..... The good, the Bad & the Ugly in your garden all in one go..!!!! How fantastic though that your garden is now preserved on film..!!!!! :yho: :dh: An inconvenience now I know, but what an honour for you, your hard work & your wonderful garden..!!! :gnthb:
So nice of you to offer such a lovely location for the filming. It will be a big satisfaction when it will all be ready-let us know!!!:gnthb:
Sam - that was fascinating. What sort of a film is it? A feature film? A promotional film? A documentary or what?
Jings Whis4ey. Good for you letting those people in, and being chosen for a location - I'm sure it's got to be quite special. Maybe I'm a queer fish but I just couldn't have those people in my place. Enjoy the honour of having been chosen and never mind me. Is there somewhere we can see what it was all about.
What a great day Sam................and we all know why YOUR garden was chosen..............Your vision and all your hard work has come to fruition. Congratulations.
Blimey Sam...your wonderful garden will look great on sure to let us know when it's available Well done you!
Wow such madness. Lucky you being able to experience it. Whisky I have never seen your garden. I assume their are pics on here somewhere. Do you have a link? It sounds amazing.