cat enclosure

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by wishaw, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. wishaw

    wishaw Gardener

    Mar 2, 2006
    As many gardeners consider cats a pest ;) - I am going to post this one here!

    Our cats are killing us! They used to be allowed outside but now they are confined to the house - we are simply too scared after what happened a few weeks back. But of course they want to go out again, especially in this weather!
    So we have hatched the plan of building for them an enclosure, attached to the kitchen window so they can go out and lie in the sun, but not run away. We will "sacrifice" about a third of the garden for them, the whole thing will be about 12m by 6m and around 2m high. We will have a couple of weeks vacation soon , time to build!
    The thing is already designed and calculated, however, a couple of questions:

    - does anyone know whether we will need planning permission? It will consist of ordinary fence posts and mesh wire, topped by strong netting so they can't escape over the edges either (and of course we will use the frame for nice displays of climbing and rambling plants)
    - anyone got an idea where we can find dead tree trunks, either standing up ones or lying down ones, which we could use for scrathcing posts inside the enclosure?

    The thing will have a door for us to join the kitties too, and we will put a bench and a small table inside, so unless we have a bbq party we will be more likely spending our outside hours with the felines rather than with a wire fence between them and us! ;)
  2. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Oh, Wishaw, it must have been a terrible incident that you have to do this, and like us you have complete devotion to your cats.

    Ours were part house cats in the UK ... had to be in when we were at work and at night, only allowed to run when we were there to supervise and/or in case of emergencies. When we moved here they were 10 (two of them) and 6 and we gave them free rein because we are surrounded by orchards. Because of their initial upbringing they never ventured far from the house, just lazed in the garden with an occasional saunter on the lane or a snooze under an orange tree.

    As to your questions, regarding planning permission I would think the answer is no as it is a removable structure not adding value to the property and as for the climbing posts perhaps a forestry area nearby?

    Good luck with your building and keep us posted! [​IMG]
  3. wishaw

    wishaw Gardener

    Mar 2, 2006
    LoL, that's what we do, they have to be inside when we are at work and also at night, but they were allowed to go outside when we went in the garden. Two of the four remained in our own garden, but the other two ventured beyond our garden boundaries and that's where it happened and one was killed (the other one barely managed to escape).
    We will still keep them indoors when nobody is home even with the enclosure, but the danger of them going over the ordinary garden fences if we do let them out again is just too great and I do not want to experience that agony again! So we make the enclosure, as big (area wise) as we possibly and practically can, and we can either sit inside with them or they can be part of the fun when we sit on the patio next to their enclosure and have dinner or are entertaining. Who knows, maybe over time we would incorporate the shed roof as their sun roof as well, depends on how much fun this will be to build! They will have their own pond inside (no fish but a wee fountain) because they love water, and lots of bedding shelves and little huts and climbing toys. And bird baths and feeders directly attached to the OUTSIDE of the enclosure! :D
  4. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    When can I move in ??? :D It sounds wonderful, Wishaw, and the idea of a sun roof is ideal also for those hot, balmy Scottish days! Although it will take time the climbing plants on the frame will be both pretty and create additional shade for the pampered loved ones.

    My sympathies for the reason you are having to do this and my admiration for your devotion. : D [​IMG]
  5. Poppy33

    Poppy33 Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    Hi Wishaw, glad to hear of your plans for the cats..sounds a lovely idea, I am sure they will enjoy their new enclosure.I hope that you and the other felines are slowly getting over the sad incident with Deigo. How is the Fushia looking [​IMG]

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