Feeling a bit low.

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Lyn, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    You may or may not remember my husband lost his job last July.
    Since then I have had to go back to work .
    My poor garden as suffered so much.
    I have been out there since 8.00 trying to tidy it but it seems such a big task.
    It's getting so over grown.
    And I feel so ashamed & low every time I look out of the window doing other jobs that can't wait.
    I have just cut back and filled the gardening bin and you can't see what i have done.
    My Husband , who is no gardener ,helps with the ponds and sweeping etc when he can.
    How quickly it gets over grown.
    Well no good moaning I'll finish my quick cuppa and out I go again.
    I just don't no how people cope with working and doing everything else.
    I must be so disorganised. :o
  2. Rhyleysgranny

    Rhyleysgranny Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Ah Lynn I know how you feel. My garden has been sorely neglected for quite a few years as I had small grandchildren to look after. The past few summers have been so bad that when I did get a free day it was too wet to do anything. This year the weather has improved and my grandchildren are older and i finally got tidied up. It took me two solid weeks from dawn to dusk but i got there,
    I am sorry hubby lost his job. It must be an awful situation. My hubby isn't a gardener either. Don't worry there are worse things than a messy garden. If it's any consolation I found the neglect helped in some ways. Some things that I thought weren't great and would have disposed of turned into nice shrubs etc because they were not subjected to my continuous scrutiny.

    Here are some virtual roses to cheer you up.


  3. Melinda

    Melinda Gardener

    May 28, 2010
    Lahndan Tahn
    Hi Lyn :)

    You've all clearly been dealing with far more important things than your garden.

    I bet your husband would rather have your love and support than a designer garden anyway :)

    Dont be overwhelmed, do it bit by bit. Get out there together and clear a small section, then get the chairs out and have a few drinks! Have some fun today x
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :dh: Oh dear Lyn, sorry to here you are feeling down in the dumps.. Life is not being very kind to so many these days & life does become very full of so many things to do just to stay afloat these days never mind the things that used to give us pleasure... :luv: Try not to get overwhelmed by it all.. How does the saying go.? "Slowly slowly catchee monkey".. Just try & spend 10 mins a day out there doing one little job & you will win it back again... Things have slowed down a bit in their growth now, so you should start to see the fruits of your labours showing soon..... Come & have a moan on here if you can & we will all keep you floating along I am sure... :thumb: Missed you in the comps too.. We all need a little brain space I know these days, but most of us are still here...:D
    Life is very different for many of us now Lyn.. Up till a few years ago we all thought are lives were going in a certain direction & could only get better... For some of us though it seems to have taken a radical turn & thrown our lives into confusion, but we will come out of it the stronger I am sure, but it is just the "getting through it" bit now that is the most painful I know... Chin up my dear, you will make it through & conquer that garden too.. :wink: I am sure of it... :gnthb::yho:
  5. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Hi Lyn,
    Just remember that we are all here for you and wishing you all the best. :luv:
  6. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    Don't let thigs get you down sweetheart! I'm looking at mine and thanking the heavens the lawns don't need cutting in this warm spell. Just do as much as you can, as and when!:gnthb:
  7. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    It sounds pretty much exactly what I am currently going through. I like to think I feel embarrassed because I was so assiduous with it when I had the time.

    I am busy doing my strawberries today-taking runners thinning out etc-I bet you a £1m you can find something beautiful out there today.
  8. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    Don't worry, Lyn. A garden will always wait for you. Mine got into a terrible state last year, when I had no time at all to do anything, but I am slowly rediscovering a cultivated space. I don't think my garden will ever be the manicured item which some people have - I'm just not that sort of personality - but it doesn't matter. The main thing is, I like it!

    PS At first, a small amount of time spent clearing up doesn't seem to make a dent on anything. But if you find even a few minutes a day on a regular basis, it's amazing what you can achieve.
  9. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    Thank you all.
    It's nice to hear I'm not on my own, and can have a moan and be understood.:luv:
    I have just finished for the day and it is looking better.
    I've had enough for one day.
    Thats another thing , a few years ago I would have been out there all day but sadly my energy is fading with age.
    The mind is willing but the body, O dear LOL
    I do miss the photo comps and will really try to fit them in.
    My dad who is 82 moved to the retirement village a few weeks ago,he is now more settled and making friends so I don't feel I have to spend so much time with him .

    That was a busy time.
    Moving is so stressful I am never ever going to move house.s00k
    To be honest he as so much to do there he doesn't always have time for me
    So I should have a bit more time for myself.
    Thank you all again.
  10. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: That's the ticket Lyn.. You have a good attitude but have just been a bit bogged down by others, but I am sure you will slowly get bits of your life & garden back now.. Take care & enjoy this beautiful weather as well.. :thumb: See ya soon now I am sure... :D
  11. Karl-D

    Karl-D Gardener

    Jun 10, 2010
    Hya Lyn, Im new to this forum and don't mind your moans at all, we all need some support and a friendly ear from time to time especially in this day and age.
    Keep ya trowel up girl :gnthb:
  12. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Well done Lyn,

    No good deed goes unrewarded.
  13. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    like Marley Farley says..... slowly slowly catchee monkey..
    Seems to me that many of us have had a change of direction when we least expected it or wanted it. Look on the bright side of whatever happens, I know it is not easy to but slowly you can do just that.
    I too found that the garden suffered badly last year when things took a turn in my life that I did not even ever dream of but I have been ever so slowly getting it together again.
    I have to remind myself that nothing is impossible and keep reminding myself that an elephant cannot eat a whole tree but he can eat it branch by branch...and that is what I am doing...I work full time, look after my Mum and I am having to manage 2 gardens.
    At first I felt angry and pi**ed off that he was putting me thru all this and that amongst all the stuff I'd have to deal with by myself, I'd have to cut the grass and edge the lawn as well...Well, after the initial strop with the lawn mower I got over it and I actually find that I like cutting the grass now.
    My Dad taught me well, because nothing keeps me down for too long even though the turn of life event was a devastating blow, I have tried to use it as a learning curve and I believe that if you start to trust yourself and know in yourself that you are capable of anything you put your mind to, then, believe you me, you will succeed.

    Here ends the long advice bit.........:thumb:

    now, do what I do, reward yourself often and all jobs are fun to do...and we are all here, so just shout for a bit or moral support.
    sending positive thoughts your way.
  14. Butterfield

    Butterfield Gardener

    Apr 18, 2010
    Yes, Lyn, do what you can, when you can and try not to worry about it when you can't. Does that make sense?! There aren't enough hours in the day to do everything especially if you are trying to fit in gardening while the weather is good.

    Everyone seems so nice and supportive on this Forum. Sometimes you just have to have a good moan and then you feel better - and a nice cup of tea helps too! Try to keep positive and sometimes you just have to say 'nevermind'.
  15. roders

    roders Total Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    :) Keep your pecker up Lyn x.
    and I DO miss your photo's.

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