Can anyone please identify this plant / flower ???? It has been growing in my garden now for about 4 weeks. Thanks
Hi bluevest, & .. It could be a couple of plants, any chance of a clearer photo..?? Or someone else will be along soon who will know..
Difficult to see scale but my thought was Nigella aka Love in a Mist. It does self seed freely. You will know soon if a blue flower apears
hi lovage these plants are currently about 9 inch in height, they have grown a couple of inch in a few weeks. they are made up soley of the leaves iv shown.
I posted a clearer photo to try and determine this plant! I did state that the pic was just of one leaf. What can you suggest i do to solve this.
For a start, you don`t get stroppy. People are on here to help you, if the information you supply is unhelpful, then be prepared to be told so.
im so sorry the last thing i want to do is upset anyone. i dont have a stroppy bone in my body. i never ment my message to come across that way and i was asking you sincerely for your advice in what to do.
Bluevest we are trying to help you. Don`t be offended. Leave it a couple of days then take another pic of the plant. We will identify it for you don`t worry.:gnthb: