which of these herbs will last over...................

Discussion in 'Herbs and Wildflowers' started by newbiegrower, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. newbiegrower

    newbiegrower Gardener

    Apr 20, 2007
    winter outside
    quite early I know but I would like to know for when they are getting past there best
    I have parsley, basil, chives, coriander and dill.
    I bought these as plug plants so they have been hardened off etc, they are not supermarket ready grown ones
  2. Claire75

    Claire75 Gardener

    Mar 8, 2007
    Hi Newbiegrower -
    I didn't think parsley was supposed to last through, but I have had it in two different sites and it lasted fine over two winters. Last years that's in my garden here has overwintered so well it looks like it might take over the whole herb garden! But apparently it only grows well where the woman is in charge, dunno what that says about me or whether your conditions will be suitable :D My chives have also survived both times, although not with quite so much enthusiasm!

    Basil and coriander I can't see overwintering - they're quite tender mediterranean type plants aren't they? but I have a feeling that dill would - I think my Dad has some and it's quite a big plant now. I would think you could have the basil and coriander outside over summer then dig some up and put in pots inside to keep and use over the winter perhaps though?

    I'm sure someone more experienced will be along shortly to confirm or deny all that though [​IMG] .
  3. wyldeflower

    wyldeflower Gardener

    May 8, 2007
    You should be able to keep the parsley going all winter and the chives normally dissapear underground .but if you had them in a frame you may be able to keep them going..you could also keep them in your kitchen..
    Coriander has to be sown several times through the season as it quickly goes to seed..
    you have no chance with the basil unless again you try to grow it indoors..The best thing you can do is dry or freeze the herbs so you have a supply for the winter..
  4. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
    Chives will die down - but come back perenially, parsley is a maybe - but I would treat the others as an annual crop - you could try letting a couple go over to seed, and collect it for next year.

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