Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Whoops-a-Daisy, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. Whoops-a-Daisy

    Whoops-a-Daisy Gardener

    May 18, 2006
    A few years ago I planted a tiny pot of marjoram and as you can imagine it has spread into quite a large clump (at least 6'x 2') and every year it attracts an abundance of insects. Today it is bursting with life as usual and it's a joy to behold. There are bumblebees, honey bees, hoverflys, gatekeeper and tortoiseshell butterflys as well as some insects that I can't identify. I wish I had a digital camera so that I could post a photogragh, though I doubt it would do it justice.
  2. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hi, Whoops-a-Daisy! I didn't know Marjoram could grow to such a size! My Rosemary is huge (will post a picture later - I am a recent newcomer to digital photography! :rolleyes: and one of my Sage's is about a metre square and I have to trim it every month or so! I love having scented shrubs in the garden. [​IMG]

    You can post photos via scanning but it's not a "thing of the moment" as with digital.
  3. Whoops-a-Daisy

    Whoops-a-Daisy Gardener

    May 18, 2006
    Hi Lady of Leisure, sorry but think I must have mislead you about the size, what I meant was that the clump had spread by about 6' long and 2' wide but it is about 18'' tall maybe taller and is covered in flowers. It looks a bit scruffy and I'm always tempted to dig part of it out but as soon as the blooms and the insects make it come alive I haven't got the heart to hack it back..... maybe I should do it in the winter when it's dormant and there's not much to be seen. Yes I'd love to see a picture of the Rosemary as I've just got a small plant in a pot at the moment but think it will need to be planted out pretty soon... I'm not a whizz with the scanner either I'm afraid but I am going to go digital very soon.
  4. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hi, again, Whoopsy. I know what you mean about trimming back when it's flowering, but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, like me with the Sage!

    We got our digital cameras on E-bay; well, one on E-bay and the other on E-bid, an attempt to copy E-bay here. However, we got the better camera on it but only 11 Euros (less than �£8) plus 15 Euros �£10) for a memory card! The camera originally cost �£560 so are we happy, or are we happy? :D :D At this point I can turn it on and push the button :rolleyes: and then have to give it to t'other half to load onto the computer then he sends it to my computer so I can put it in Photobucket and then post it in GC! Whew!

    The picture of the Rosemary is posted in An Algarve Garden currently in Today's Topics.
  5. Whoops-a-Daisy

    Whoops-a-Daisy Gardener

    May 18, 2006
    Hi LoL I've decide to dig up some of the clump and plant it in the front garden but wont do it till later on, I can't deprive all those beautiful insects and butterflys just yet. Hey I'm impressed with all the digital jargon, you sound like a real professional ;) I've looked in Todays Topics and can't find the Rosemary or Algave Garden, even though I've done a search, I suppose it will have gone from Todays Topics now as you posted this yesterday :eek:
  6. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    whoops adaisy ..if you intend to use it for any reason dont put it in your front garden if its on a road because of the car fumes on it..i would hate it if you got poisoned.. :rolleyes:
  7. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hi, Whoops! An Algarve Garden is still in Today's Topics. You can also go into the Home Page and down to Members Gallery and find it there.
  8. Whoops-a-Daisy

    Whoops-a-Daisy Gardener

    May 18, 2006
    Thank you Wildflower for your concern but we don't eat too much of it, I keep it mainly because I love to watch the bees on it and also we live on a quiet lane so not much traffic. I'll still leave the majority of it at the back of the house, it's just that it's not the prettiest of plants now that it's 'rambled' a bit but as I say I love the wildlife it attracts.

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