:D Thanks to Hornbeam she now has a name..rather a nice one too..but she is verging on the wild side of life :rolleyes: :D
yes of course.tried to grow verbena and failed.tried to grow lavender and got verbena.thats just about my stamp.thanks all the same roders,ill post a pic if and when they ever flower. :D
Yes it is Ragwort. There are two sorts - our native Ragwort and Oxford Ragwort that was introduced into Oxford Botanic Garden and escaped. Very poisonous and the only creatures that can eat it are cinnnabar moth caterpillars. They absorb the poison (cyanide I think) and become poisonous themselves to birds that might otherwise eat them. It is illegal to plant it and farmers are supposed to destroy any on their land. Related to the garden Senecio. BTW Laburnum seeds poison more children then any other toxic plant.
:( Looks awful like ragwort to me roders.. :( http://www.elliesstud.com/ragwort.htm http://www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk/site/1/Ragwort.html Hard to find any good pictures at the moment..
That is ragwort!...I spent many hours as a kid walking the fields pulling the stuff out of the mowing grass...all for 2 bob a day :(
Looks like ragwort to me as well.Local name in N.I. for it is BENWEED. Like Paladin I to spent many unhappy days pulling the things in the fields of my dads farm when on holiday but I got50p/day.Still remember the awfull smell on your gloves. :D
its ragwort..the council have just mowed the field by me which had loads of it growing..arnica is a usefull herb... arnica...