Removing Sycamore and want to replant with something else

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by apkfjk, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. apkfjk

    apkfjk Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 31, 2007

    I am having a Sycamore removed today.

    Couple of questions, if I may?

    1) How long should I wait before I replant with another tree?
    2) Should I feed the soil and what would be best for a future fruit tree?
    3) I would like to replant the area with either a Cherry Tree or a Plum tree, can anyone recommend any hardy, good fruiting varieties?

    Thanks in advance
  2. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    1) Plant in the winter - the trees will be cheaper and bare root fruit trees will be better than pot grown. Try Deacons on the Isle of wight but others will have fruit tree specialists they kinow as well.
    2) Yes, dig in any organic matter you get, the soil will have been impoverished. Dig deep and get out as many roots as you can,fork over the subsoil and incorporate well rotted organic matter below first spit. This tree is going to be there for years so it will pay to spend a lot of time and effort getting it right. Just putting in peat is not enough, cause that does not have plant nutrients in it. You cannot beat well rotted manure of garden compost.
    3) Get a good fruit book, such as "the Fruit Garden Displayed", borrow it from the library. Bear in mind that some varieties needa second variety as pollinater. Victoria is a good reliable plum and is self fertile.
  3. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Can I just agree with geoff that you should dig out any deep roots you can find. I removed a sycamore 8 years ago. Earlier this year what re-appeared? Yep, a sycamore sprout. Boy those babies are tough. :eek:


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