Help with choosing a tree/hedge

Discussion in 'Trees' started by NinaTW, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. NinaTW

    NinaTW Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 1, 2010

    I have a particular problem that I hope someone can help me with. I have a neighbour at the foot of my garden who is rather unpleasant (to say the least) He uses his garden as a dog toilet, to cultivate the tallest weeds I have ever seen and as a builders yard.
    We are trying to block the view we have of his garden, We have a 6 foot fence(which the weeds grow over!!), Moved the kids playhouse to the centre of this fence, planted a eucalyptus tree which seems to be happy and has grown to approx 8 foot, have a wisteria (which he complains about!) and is lovely but have a gap that we were going to put a pergola in and have something climbing over it along with the wisteria but it won't block the view from the bedroom window. We want to move in 2 years and are sure we would have trouble selling if his mess can be seen from upstairs.
    Any suggestions on an extremly fast, dense and tall tree or hedge we could plant. The gap is approx 2' wide.
  2. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    I would plant a hedge of Thuja plicata atrovirens, The Western Red Cedar. It is about the best conifer for a hedge, it will grow about 2 ft a year and is easier to maintain than Leylandii. If you got 2 or 3 about 2m tall, by the time you want to sell up they should be just about right.:gnthb: If you have a problem with the smells from the dog mess, get in touch with the enviromental health people of the local council. they will make him clear up his garden.:gnthb::gnthb:
  3. NinaTW

    NinaTW Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 1, 2010
    Thanks for the advice, I'll have a look at my local nursery. I have had a quote on a 10/12' leylandii for £90+VAT. Will definatley look at The cedar you have suggested.
    As for the dog mess, we have already been in touch with the local council, they did send him a letter instructing him to clear it and he either stock piling it the other side of our fence then when he has a big enough pile he burns it!!!! OR..........he places it into a shallow pool of water and bleach!!!
    He really is a very unpleasant person and has told me that he has friends in the council and on the magistrates, which I can believe as anybody else would never be able to get away with haveing 6 huge gas cylinders on their premises I'm sure.
    But hey ho we will do our best to ignore him for the nxt 2 years.

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