Help with Wisteria

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by cuckoobuns, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. cuckoobuns

    cuckoobuns Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 6, 2006
    Please can someone tell me the best way to prune a young wisteria tree. I am growing in a lge pot next to trelis. It has a lovely bushy head, but loads of long roots pretruding from the top. I have been told that I should cut these off and turn the trelis on it's side to allow my tree to flower. Am novice gardener and am not sure what to do.
    Thanx xx
  2. jazid

    jazid Gardener

    May 24, 2006
    Try cutting the new green shoots back to downward pointing buds (they are just where the leaves join the shoot), and keep the new shoots short - maybe 4-6 inches only. Keep on doing this and you can't go far wrong.

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