
Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Gixer, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. Gixer

    Gixer Apprentice Gardener

    May 26, 2010
    decided to try to grow some of the veg we use the most and peppers waere at the very top of the list. not really having grown veg before I simply lobbed some seeds from a pepper we'd used into a pot of compost and sat on the windowsill.....
    I now have several seedlings but when should I move them....
    they are all about 1 inch high with 2 leaves
    I don't have a green house so what is the best next step?

    Ta folks!
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi Gixer,

    They sound ready to pot on, i've got some growing in 6 inch pots on my window sill. They are filled with organic peat free compost (horizon brand, see the other thread about peat free compost.) Mine are a foot high & the first flower buds have formed.

    Yours will do fine on the window sill, i planted some out in the garden about 1 month ago, they are only 6 inches high.

    They will need feeding as the fruits develop. I make feed by cramming a bucket of water full of plants/kitchen waste & leaving it for a month, dilute the liquor from that about 5 to 1. Smells great !
  3. alana

    alana Super Gardener

    May 5, 2008
    Head Gardener
    Far East of Suffolk
    Sounds great Ziggy - I have a dustbin with comfrey leaves and nettles stagnating in water which smells foul but having watched Alys Fowler with her home made brew I was inspired to do the same. I haven't used it on the plants yet
  4. Gixer

    Gixer Apprentice Gardener

    May 26, 2010
    ohh sounds interesting on the home made plant food! may look into what I can shove in the garden water tank as it only gets used to water the garden (could do with some rain atthe mo though to refill it!)

    Looks like I have some repotting to do today... and extra windowsills to find, counted up and I have 20 seedlings!!
  5. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    Peppers are quite easy Glixer, but they do need quite a long growing season.
    We're nearly at the end of June and you're still at the seedling stage - so you might run out of growing year before you get peppers ripened.
    But hang on in there with those plants. You never know, they might make it.
    If you find the growing year is too short, you can try overwintering the plants for next year. That doesn't work well for me but does for some people. Or plant seeds in February next year. They should get on well.
  6. Gixer

    Gixer Apprentice Gardener

    May 26, 2010
    Thanks I know I've been late in getting all my veg done so am being hopefull for any crops this year, but I'm just enjoying watching them grow :D
    the seedlings have all been transplanted, I have 6 on the windowsill and 6 outside in my veg patch, and yes the ones inside are twice the size of the ones outside, I'm considdering building a pseudo greenhouse around the outdoor ones... canes and clingfilm??

    One more Q though when do they need supporting?

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