Now in their 2nd year and have taken off, should I cut them back as they are sprouting out in all directions.
Gooseberrys don't need pruning. I have a row that is over 30 years old & all I do is side them up when they get to wide. I have had more this year than I have ever had before but I can't say that for all the garden. The shallots went rotten, The peas were a failure & the potatoes & tomatoes got blight but my money isn't in Northern Rock. ewal.
ewal do you need male and female to get good fruit i only have a small garden,could make room for one
ewal do you need male and female to get good fruit i only have a small garden,could make room for one
Hello Kathy3, you will be fine with just 1 bush, gooseberries look after themselves, a bit of growmore once a year but like all fruit they need plenty of water, not a problem this year. even with spring frosts enough flowers will survive to have a crop. Regards ewal. P.S.sorry for the late reply but I haven't been on line for a while.
thanks ewal any particular variety you can recommend? (something sweet)its not for cooking. hubby's like a big kid ,likes nicking them off the bush thanks so much Kathy
Kathy3, I grow Careless a cooking variety but they all turn sweet eventually. I picked the first on June 1st & picked them every day after by early July they were turning sweet & the black birds were starting to hammer them so my wife invited the children & grand children for lunch & then we picked the remainder of the gooseberries, in total 53lb 2oz, as I said earlier the most ever. Regards ewal.
I subscribe to the view that you leave gooseberries to do their own thing but my wife sides with the pruning fraternity and has (in my opinion) butchered our three bushes after fruiting this year. Any opinions on whether this will produce more fruit next year, less fruit or just another argument over who is IC pruning?
thanks ewal ,im of to look for a careless kinda bush,wish me luck ,hope its ok to plant now,ive got the spot picked out,big thanks kathy
Hi Kathy hope you get your bush ,I am off to a nursery this afternoon will check there if u want. Did you get my e-mail re Tues?
Kathy , it is the right time to set. Prastio,you should have less gooseberries but they could be bigger I'm all for easy gardening so why prune when it isn't necessary. Regards ewal.
hi kath got your email and answered. ewal went out today no luck will try again tomorrow I'm determined to get one. kath i will try kirkton and see if they have one try and see you next week if that suits you,thanks to you both kathy
Hi Kathy I have a wynhams industry gooseberry bush ,the fruit is red and soooo sweetyou can eat them straight from the bush, Here's a pic Just starting to turn colour
hi chips haven't been out to have another look, have this blasted flu thats going around. fairly took the feet from me,maybe this weekend thanks maggie