Apples and Pears!

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Erin, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. Erin

    Erin Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2007
    Can someone please give me a crash course in these two fruits?

    Pears- I have one large pear tree that produces huge brown pears. Last year I used these for baby purees. Are they "baking pear's"? What is their official name? When do they usually become ripe and what are they usually used in?

    On the patio is a pear "bush" which produces the smaller yellow/gold pears that are yummy and sweet. What are these called? When do they usually become ripe?

    Apples- We have 5 apple trees. Three produce small green apples- when do these ripen and what are they called? Two produce large green apples- again "cooking apples"? What are they called- when do they ripen and how can they be used?

    Also, the larger apples have what looks like large gashes in them, as if they've been stabbed or have evn split, as well as some brown markings. What is causing this- is there anything to do for it? Is it ok to compost these "bad" apples?

    Thanks for any and all help!!
  2. the insane gardener

    the insane gardener Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 9, 2007
    The pears sound like conference if the skins are rough as well as brown, if so they are dessert pears. There are so many different apples that even with photos it would be difficult to advise. Apples flower and fruit at different times. The earlier the blossom appears the earlier the fruit is ready. fruit trees require meticulous management. Regular pruning, removing some of the fruit etc will increasethe quality.
  3. rockpebblar

    rockpebblar Gardener

    Aug 15, 2007
    Hi Erin
    If your cookers (apples) have brown spots on them and maybe the leaf has blackish spots you may have the on onset of spore disease (Brown rot) suggest you monitor for worsening effects (rotting fruit on tree) and if this is the case do not compost the fruit or leaves. I think a lot of fruit has suffered from "Gashes" this year, I think due to the dry periods followed by heavy rain which swell the fruits too quickly

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