Cucumber wilt

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by David G, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. David G

    David G Gardener

    Jun 4, 2005
    Gosh what a year!
    After all the problems getting the seeds to grow I now have a nasty case of what looks like wilt the plants are ok in the dark but daylight comes and they all droop and look very poorly, bottom leaves turning yellow and the new growth of cucumbers are going brown and stopped growing, I have looked through the books I have and they say remove all plants and dispose of. Does any body else have any other ideas, I have removed the worst affected plants and before I remove the remainder is there anything I can do to prevent this affecting the newer plants that look ok at present. Remind me to never listen to friends again who say you don't need to change the soil in the green house. Previous years I have removed the growing boxes and cleaned out fully then put the soil back in the spring, this year I didn't. Any advise would be appreciated to save the couple of plants that look unaffected at present.


  2. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    Hi davidguy,cucumbers are soft,fiddly plants to grow.It`s possible that your problem could be due to the fact that you didn`t use fresh soil.If so then i don`t know what could be done at this stage.However,it could just be that you`ve overwatered. They don`t like to be thirsty but if they get too much water they wilt aswell.I had a similar thing.I opened the doors and windows then lifted the tubs out of the water containers onto concrete and let them drain.I then realised just how much i had overwatered.It took ages for the water to stop seeping out.I think they must have felt cold.Same thing happens to us if we sit in wet clothes.
  3. olde9856

    olde9856 Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 2, 2007
    Thats interesting, I think I will have to stop watering for a while as mine look exactly the same
  4. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi davidguy

    have have grown cucmbers this year 1st time the leaves on my plants have gone yellow at the bottom and also the cucumbers stopped growing and went brown ,

    i cut off the yellow leaves and what seemed to be the prob with the cucumbers going brown was when i had about 4/5 big ones they zapped all the energy out of the others growing ,

    after i pulled the big ones off new ones grew again !

    i am abit **** with remembering to feed them aswell but it did say in my book if they stop performing then feed otherwise leave them.

  5. David G

    David G Gardener

    Jun 4, 2005
    Thanks for the replies
    I still have one in a pot outside that looks ok I may move him in the greenhouse I cannot find out if the male flowers should be removed on this plant it is called "Perfection" if one cucumber is fertilised will that meen the whole harvest from that plant will be bitter thereafter??
    I am keen to get out and look at the problem while I have time today but we are having a storm as I am typing this, so it looks like a cup of tea and a bit of surfing the net for an hour or so.



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