Had an exploratory rummage under my spuds and found the most beautiful taytas They're the size of a small apple and absolutely perfect I can't believe it!! I'm so chuffed....going to celebrate by having them lagged in butter with tea
Brilliant! How do you manage to rummage without upsetting the roots? I don't seem to have got the knack of that yet. I pulled up some of mine a few days ago and gave them to my mum who promptly over cooked them :( But they were still really tasty with some mint sauce.
Thanks guys Especially you Oktarine for kindly giving me the seed potatoes. Here they are...just about to meet my belly :D We had them with our first carrots...small but tasty... Loving this veggie growing malarky...what shall I plant now??? :D
Well done, windy, they look delicious ... I can just taste them drizzling with butter ... I know! And the carrots look lovely too. I want to see your climbers doing as well.
Thanks guys Must confess to being eager to dig them all up now as I want to use their space for something else :D LoL - the Cobeas have just been planted out and I'm waiting for them to rampage as they'd filled my cold frame in a blink The seeds I've had mixed results with so far, although was a bit late sowing them. The Podranea are doing well and the Teco-wotsits have germinated...but the Sollyas are a no-show at the moment,luckily I only sowed a few so have plenty in reserve
Excellent news, windy, I think you've done remarkably well. I have very mixed results with seeds, I must admit. Have just managed to root a different Honeysuckle from a friend, a yellow/white on. The Teco-wotsits (marias) seem to have done well over there with everyone. I'll infestate the Southern counties with Portugal one day!
Please do LoL...at the moment I'm thinking of turning the shed into an Ark :D :D An infestation of Portugese sunshine is just what is needed...alas,I'll have to pretend my brolly's a parasol while I'm watching my cobeas cover that fence :rolleyes: :D
Well done windy.It`s a good buzz, innit.I dug up some earlies on thursday.We were gonna have them for tea but we ended up at the pub.Friday lunch time i sliced a few of the already boiled spuds, then fried them with bacon and garlic and sprinkled with grated cheese.Well worth the wait and fantastic for my hangover. :D