windy sweetcorn

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by windy miller, May 21, 2007.

  1. windy miller

    windy miller Gardener

    May 10, 2006
    Hi all,

    Have ran out of room for the veg, so have planted some crops in pots as I read about it in GW mag. I've put sweetcorn, courgettes and nasturtiums in a big pot by the front door.
    Question is... (there had to be a question didn't there? I couldn't post without one :D )
    how do sweetcorn fare in really windy conditions????? [​IMG]
  2. compostee

    compostee Gardener

    Oct 27, 2006
    They need wind to pollinate themselves. But at the height I live at, it gets really windy, I never had luck outside, The wind tore the leaves on year and to a certain point the growth was rather stunted, But then they do grow it in the states and i think even in tornado alley. so I now grow in the polyt. And have had bumper crops. I shake them when it's time to pollinate. try it, if it's not brilliant results, you'll know to try a different position next year.
  3. Claire75

    Claire75 Gardener

    Mar 8, 2007
    As I recall, the roots don't go that deep - maybe it'd be worth putting a cane in the pot to give them some help? Having said this, I grew them on a fairly windy allotment and they seemed quite happy. Compostee's advice seems good to me though! Best of luck with it, home-grown sweetcorn is one of the very nicest things.

    One word of warning, just in case you aren't already aware - watch out for slugs on the courgettes, I know you've said you have trouble with them down there. The first year I grew them (courgettes that is, although it looked like I might have been growing slugs!) the slugs got the entire crop by eating round the growing end of each fruit before it got to a size worth picking.
  4. windy miller

    windy miller Gardener

    May 10, 2006
    Thanks guys [​IMG] I'm giving everything a go, but the wind does decimate quite a lot :( Hence the flying runner beans I've had for the last 3 years :rolleyes:
    Will keep an eye out for the slimy beasties's snails that I've got thousands of at the mo....much easier to throw :D :D
  5. marge

    marge Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    Hi Windy [​IMG] I grew sweetcorn last year in between my perennials and roses at the back - they didnt grow much widthways so didnt take up much room. They cropped quite well too - Ive just put 3 plants in again for this year.
    Was thinking if you did this, the other plants might protect them from the wind - got to have something to go with your butter eh? :D
  6. lottielou

    lottielou Gardener

    May 9, 2007
    How big is your pot please Windy Miller? Id quite like to grown corn but I have no room left in my raised bed.

    I hope yours tackle the wind ok!
  7. windy miller

    windy miller Gardener

    May 10, 2006
    Hi Lottie,
    The pots 2ft wide and in that I've put 4 corn, 2 courgettes and a few Nasturtium seeds, which seemed a lot to me but it was what was said in GW mag, so who am I to differ :D It's all looking small, but still undamaged by the wind, so there's hope!!! Good luck with yours [​IMG] :D
  8. lotvdaisy

    lotvdaisy Apprentice Gardener

    May 27, 2007
    Hello all, I'm trying veg for the very first time this year. I've got potatoes in buckets, carrots in deep pots and sweet corn in old chicken manure pellet tubs. Oh yes and a tomato plant. Not too sure what i'm doing with any of them, but I thought I'd give it a go.

    I'm now considering sewing again for a later crop, is that the best thing to do or should I wait a while?
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