FAO Oktarine

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by windy miller, May 4, 2007.

  1. windy miller

    windy miller Gardener

    May 10, 2006
    Take a look at my spuds [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The rain and then 3 days of sun and now they're flying!! You can actually see them growing and the kids (and me!) are enthralled - thank you [​IMG] I'm going to do that 'daily measure on a stick tip' off your blog to keep their interest going...but the runner beans are off now too so that shouldn't be too hard :D Fingers crossed I can keep them going!
  2. oktarine

    oktarine Gardener

    Aug 12, 2006
    Windy - You've done a great job.

    I'm just glad you're enjoying the gardening, and thanks too for your generous comments.

    Regular watering in the early stages does; I'm told, reduce the risk of the scab disease.

    All the best.

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