This has grown from my neighbours to our garden . Can anyone identify for me please? This the first year they have turned red always green and have a stone in the middle. Could it be a plumb?
Send a photo of the leaf as well as the fruit, it does look like a cherry though! ---------------------------- Tony
Hi Tony it was too windy to capture photo of leaf yesterday. Today it is a beautiful sunny day not cloud in the sky.
Hi Scotkat, Lucky you, it's been cold and miserable here with intermittent rain. From the photo I would say that you have a Cherry Tree. I belive that Cherries have a round stone and plums an oval flatish stone similar to and almond. Try cutting one in half and have a look! Cherry trees do send out a lot of suckers that will grow into another tree but it does weeken the host, perhaps you ought to have a word with your neighbour! Best wishes Tony --------------------------------