A few months ago I asked if anyone knew about putting wilted comfrey straight into the ground below my runner beans. The general reaction was that it was a bad idea as it would rob the ground of nitrogen, I'd read it was a good idea in an old gardening book by Lawrence D Hills. Being an idiot I went ahead and did it and I'm delighted to say its worked marvellously and I have a huge amount of beans and peas now grown over the dodgy frame I built to create my beanstick bothy. Here's some pictures...
Well done sawfish, I am a firm believer in experimentation and if it works brilliant, if not try something else. Looks in abundance! BM
I like that very much, I'm gonna build one them next year, be able sit in there in the shade, sippin cyder, watchin all me plants wiltin through drought or disease whatever --
:D :D :D You are obviously not an optimist by nature. It will probably get the dreaded bean blight, and earwigs will drop on your head.......
Albert Dyer I find the your idea of sitting in my beanstick bothy sipping cider most offensive............ I much prefer wheatbeer.