Advice on Lawn Rollers

Discussion in 'Tools And Equipment' started by apkfjk, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. apkfjk

    apkfjk Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 31, 2007

    I am looking at trying to even out my lawn, and was thinking about getting a Lawn Roller.

    As far as I can tell, you have two types, the old concrete and iron handle rollers or the modern plastic fill with Sand or water ones.

    Does anyone have any info/advice on the benefits of either? I have thought about the old style as they are heavier, I presume, and would be better, but I really don't know.

    As when is the best time to roll your lawn, after cutting the grass, after wet weather?

    [ 01. August 2007, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: apkfjk ]
  2. Fonzie

    Fonzie Gardener

    Jan 27, 2007
    South East
    Many years ago, I had the pleasure of looking after a cricket table.
    We used to roll the wickets with a big sit on roller something akin to Fred Flintstones car!
    This was, of course to make the wicket very hard and compact.
    This would be overkill on a lawn naturally.
    My personal preference would be the rollers that you can fill with sand, infact I'm not sure if there are ones you can fill with water, which would be even better, as for when you wish to put it in the shed after use it's alot lighter when emptied of it's contents.
    I would roll the grass when it is damp not very wet.
    I don't think it matters when you roll it, before or after cutting. Hope this is of some help.
    If, by the way you have considerable bumps in the lawn, rolling won't cure these.
    You will have to cut out a patch of turf, where bump is, and remove some soil and then replace said turf. Best of luck.
  3. apkfjk

    apkfjk Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 31, 2007
    Hello Fonzie.

    Thanks for the input. Does weight not factor into it? Have looked up info on a couple and a sand filled roller has an approx weight of 85Kg and a water filled one is 43Kg, almost half the weight. If weight is not a major factor then agree that a water filled one makes sense, I don't particularly want a cricket wicket as a garden, but would like to have have something fairly smooth.

    Point taken about large bumps, don't have those, but have a few concave areas, that will need some top soil top up along with seed.
  4. Fonzie

    Fonzie Gardener

    Jan 27, 2007
    South East
    Hmmm, It's a quetion of preference really.
    I like the idea of the weight that the sand one gives, but it could be a problem for storing in the shed if you have to lift it in over items in there.
    OK, you can take the items out, but that depends on how many large items there are to move first before you store the roller. I sound lazy don't I? Well I am to a point, it's just that my shed is kept where everything is at hand, and if I have to start pulling things out to get to something, it rattles me.
    So, in conclusion, me personally, I would go for the water filled one. Though as I said, the sand filled one has a better weight. Not to heavy and not to light for the job in hand.
    It's up to you mate, I think the water filled one will do the job required, so I would go for that one.

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