lush lawn sos!!

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by richierobot, May 22, 2007.

  1. richierobot

    richierobot Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 12, 2007
    Hello all, this is my 2nd ever post and im only a beginner in gardening so go easy on me! Ive recently put moss weed and feed down on my lawn which browned off a lot of the moss etc. After the recent rains i couldnt get out to properly inspect until the weekend just gone. Anyway, i cut the lawn, gave the lawns a good raking and then re mowed after that. I then scattered lawn seed and watered. Is scattering lawn seed okay? I read your supposed to put fertiliser down 48 hours previously then put the seed down amongst compost etc. I didnt do this and now the seed looks like it isnt doing much. I put it down last Saturday. Am i being impatient or should i start again!
  2. UsedtobeDendy

    UsedtobeDendy Gardener

    Feb 2, 2006
    Retired teacher and gardener
    Don't worry too much about not having put down fertiliser. I don't do that, and the seed takes ok, give a decent amount of rain and sun - which we've been having recently up here!

    I've recently acquired a mulching mower to help things along, but you can achieve the same effect by mixing seed and grass cuttings, and asprinkling that on any bare patches, and keeping it well watered, and kids and dogs off it!
  3. vegman

    vegman Gardener

    May 22, 2007
    Not sure what type of lawn your after? Bowling green or utility without weeds. I think the experts would advise that moss killing and feeding are seperate jobs and best done with seperate products. Try looking at they do liquid lawn feeds and moss killers. They advised me to apply liquid feed rather than pellets cos if it doesnt rain soon after you put the pellets on the grass can burn. They sell a superspray hose end sprayer to put it on with connected to a hose pipe. So you dont need to use watering cans.
    Depending on temperature and humidity, grass seed might take some time to show so dont worry.

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