Patchy Lawn

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by eggs, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. eggs

    eggs Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 16, 2007
    Hello All,

    I'm new round these parts, but it seems a good place to get advice.

    I've recently moved into a new rented property, with an average sized garden. However the lawn is in serious need of some attention, all my previous places have had fine grass from day one so all i needed to do was cut it.

    However this one is terrible, next door told me the last people had two massive dogs in the garden 24/7, so as you might be able to tell my grass isn't really upto scratch.

    It's very sparse and also part of it never gets any sun, due to the massive hedge the previous occupiers never trimmed and is wildly out of control. I can live with the big hedge for now, but would like help in getting my lawn into shape.

    As it's a rented house i don't want to spend too much on it as i may only be in this property for this summer when i can enjoy the garden.

    I've been told to first cut it down a bit as it's very long, then to either fork it or rake it to disturb the soil before putting seeds down and watering.

    Is this sound advice ? I'm basically looking for a cheap / quick fix on this one, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Also there are a few weeds and a bit of moss any tips for getting rid of this are also welcome.

    I'm a total novice on this so step-by-step would be best for me [​IMG]

    Thanks in advance

    Euan ;)
  2. snoo

    snoo Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 24, 2007
    hi eggs
    sounds good to me but lawn seeded this way will take maybe 2 months before it can be used as a lawn - leave the new grasses till you see seed heads showing then when you cut the grass you will re seed the lawn . then cut twice a week as cut grasses will throw more shoots out under ground and thicken the lawn . so start soon
  3. jjdecay

    jjdecay Gardener

    May 15, 2007
    ive dug up old root filled flower beds and seeded them with grass.the grass is about 1 1/2 inches long.I thought i had to wait till the first time i mowed(which i will when the rain stops),then reseed.
    Hell,am i too late for what you suggested Snoo?

    Your way does sound better.

  4. UsedtobeDendy

    UsedtobeDendy Gardener

    Feb 2, 2006
    Retired teacher and gardener
    If the grass is dry enough when you cut, leave the clippings on the grass, as a lot of them will grow too - as anyone who's had to weed out borders or gravel beside the lawn will estify to!

    I've just got myself a mulcher mower to help out patchy grass in a simple and effective way (it also saves the hassle of picking up the grass, so you win all ways! ;) )

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