Another worm problem? with pics

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by daisybelle, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. daisybelle

    daisybelle Gardener

    Nov 9, 2006
    Science tech
    I too have a lawn with lots of bare soil and quite a few worm casts. Here is a pic and a close up
    We have had a problem with our cats messing on the lawn, but this has all been on the hillock area. There is quite a lot of shade. I have seen no evidence of any creatures-would they be obvious?
    It was laid in May and was lush through the summer, but not now!
    I have given it a really good raking twice to try and get all the dead stuff out, but it has left it looking scarred!
    Any ideas what could be wrong, and more importantly, how I can solve it?
    Thanks [​IMG]
  2. Hornbeam

    Hornbeam Gardener

    Apr 29, 2006
    Shade is the real problem. In the natural world, grass does not like to grow in the shade of trees so it won't grow well in the shade of buildings and fences. Sure - you can get grass seed that is supposed to be suited for shady lawns. Grass needs sunshine - end of story. If it was laid in May as turves, then it was living on the sunshine it had stored in its leaves from its previous location. It may well recover if you are not too shady. Wait and see what it is like next year before despairing.

    Worms are entirely beneficial. They are soil conditioners , fertilisers and greatly improve aeration and drainage. Wormcasts are incredibly rich in nutrients. Sweep them up or gather them with a trowel and treat your roses or other bedding plants with them. Excellent plant food at no cost to you and without risking chemical contamination.
  3. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi daisybell
    I have a lawn in partial shade in my wildlife part of the garden(same worm casts) I just leave it to nature ,its fine about Aptil/ may time.
    I sweep them over the lawn with a hard broom.
    once a month i ariate with a garden fork and just sprinkle some builders sharp sand where the
    holes are.(please d,ont use Garden sand as it has
    fertiliser in it.(wrong time of year).

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