Hibiscus help

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by busybee, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. busybee

    busybee Gardener

    Mar 28, 2009

    I bought my hibiscus (i looked it up and its a common variety, cant remember the exact name) and planted it a few weeks ago. When i bought it it consisted of a number of stems with leaves on and the top of the stems looked as if they'd be recently cut and there was new growth forming within about 2 inches below the cut. The thing is, this plant looks no different 2-3 weeks on! The leaves kinda 'hang down' as if they are wilting a little although the plant gets plenty of water. It is in clay soil although i used potting grit around the rootball when planting as i understand they like well drained soil.
    Does the above sound normal? I'm worried that its not doing very well. I have a south facing garden and therefore the plant is in the sun nearly all day.

  2. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Hi busybee. Might be handy to know if it's a hardy or non-hardy variety. There's two types.
  3. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hi busybee

    To me Hibiscus are always difficult, even with me.

    I agree with Cajary that there are two different varieties ...

    1) Hibiscus syriacus (Tree Hollyhock) which is deciduous and has matt looking leaves.
    2) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Chinese Hibiscus) which is evergreen and has glossy leaves.

    I am going to assume you bought No 2. They are very tempermental. I have many here, singles/doubles and they all give me stick. I have red clay soil but have most of mine planted in pots because I couldn't cope with them in the ground although everyone else's here seem to do well ......

    They like feeding and obviously here watering.

    If it's No 1 you bought, then here they have already flowered and they will just stay leafy till it's time to drop them.
  4. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Hi Lady.:luv:
    Busybee, I'll assume it's the hardy type 'cause if you've planted the non-hardy variety outside it's going to die in the Winter whatever you do.:wink:
    If you planted it as a bare root just a few weeks ago I doubt that it'll do much this year other than grow a decent root system. Keep watering it and feed it occasionaly. They flower on "this years" growth so if you don't get any new growth you won't get any flowers.:( However they are truly hardy and I'm sure that next year it will be fine. They usually flower (in this country) about August time (depending on your location) for a couple of weeks. :)

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