URGENT!! Withering indoor clematis

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by hakakahn, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. hakakahn

    hakakahn Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 18, 2007
    URGENT!! Withering indoor clematis

    Ok, so I bought a clematis about 3 weeks ago or more and it is living inside till it is strong enough to go out in our british weather.
    However it has been wilting and looking dry on the leaves ever since.
    I tried re-planting into a bigger pot with fresh compost and that hasn't worked.

    I read this;

    Is it this that is causing it? Or this:

    I don't know if its what the problem is?:

    Would value any advice. Please can somebody help urgently- as I don't want it to die!!!!!
  2. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Hi Hakakahn. I suspect that what is causing this has nothing to do with wilt. It is used to being outside in our British weather and dying off in autumn. You don't say what type of clematis it is but I suggest that you put it outside in its pot, stop mollycoddling it, let it die down and see what happens next year. If it springs into growth next year, get it planted out. I suggest you buy clematis in spring normally, not autumn.
  3. Palustris

    Palustris Total Gardener

    Oct 23, 2005
    West Midlands
    All but a few Clematis are herbaceous, or deciduous, they die back to either the ground or to bare stems in autumn. This is probably what is wrong with yours. The dry atmosphere of a centrally heated house is no good for them at all. Plant it out now and watch it grow in spring. Plant it at least 3 or more inches deeper in the ground than it is in its pot, even if you are burying leaf joints. It will shoot from them from below ground. They like their head in the sun but their feet in the shade. Sometimes siad to put slate or rocks round the base for shade/ I do not recommend this as the worse enemy of Clematis is the humble snail, who just loves to hide under rocks and slates. Better shade with a plant or a good thick mulch of compost, leaf mould or even bark chippings.
  4. hakakahn

    hakakahn Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 18, 2007
    Ok I'll put it outside, not that there's much left of her.
    Thanks for all your help, I've tried everywhere for advice!!!

    the other reason I keep plants inside is they get eaten by slugs and I've tried everything to stop em ( egg shells, garlic, onion, beer traps, fir tree needles, coffee grounds, vaseline, sand, gravel), so, hope it doesn't get munched...

    [ 19. October 2007, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: hakakahn ]

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