How do i get rid of this?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Brackenbeds2, May 17, 2007.

  1. Tam

    Tam Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    I can see your point and each to their own .

    I back on to allotements so know one has to over look my garden .Also in this day and age its not safe for children to go to the park like when i was young.When you work ,have 3 children and run a home you cannot watch them all every minute of the day .The world today is a different place,my 15 year old son has been mugged once so i would rather my children at home with me .Yes the parks are fine ,if you happen to have one thats not wrecked by mindless youths .If only things were so simple i guess.
  2. Brackenbeds2

    Brackenbeds2 Gardener

    Apr 27, 2007
    I have to agree with Kandyfloss. My daughter loves it and it keeps her and her friends occupied which means they are not running around the house all day.

    So i guess i'll put up with it until she gets bored.
  3. glasgowgreen

    glasgowgreen Gardener

    Aug 18, 2005
    I agree with Tam! They are great fun, you should all stop complaining and get bouncing!! It's really energetic, good for keeping fit. I love being on the trampoline with my children, they think it's a great laugh when Mum (and Dad too, sometimes) There is no problem with grass growing underneath either. Also, I certainly spend lots of time with my children, and make plenty effort with them, they are never shoved out to play! So please, don't make sweeping generalisations, some of us look after our children and our trampolines.
  4. Rich

    Rich Gardener

    Jul 24, 2005
    Well Brackenbeds, looking at your sig I'd run for the hills.

    Our neighbours two doors away have bought one for their noisy kids, and if it wasn't for the drum kit our neighbours 3 doors away bought their kid I think I would be annoyed by it.
  5. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
    You could always board around the sides and pour concrete, with the ladder you could perhaps climb into your very own swimming pool or jaccuzi :D

    My reasoning behind this is that when we moved to our house, my husband wanted to change the giant raised fish pond into a hot tub (he's a plumber with delusions of grandeur and an overactive imagination, matches mine so least said.....) [​IMG]

    You could always grow clematis over it with the odd sprinkle of wintersweet too [​IMG]

    Perhaps it's time for my medication....

    Paula :D
  6. 3witches

    3witches Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    They do spread - I am lucky enough to occasionally fly around the Isle of Man in a helicopter and you can look into people's back gardens [​IMG] If there's one of these springy upside down fruit cages in one garden, you can see that they've spread into all the neighbouring ones - yet other streets have none. Never seen one flower and set seed yet, so it must be by underground stems. [​IMG]

    Good luck with controlling it.
  7. NewbieGreen

    NewbieGreen Gardener

    Jul 25, 2007
    Yes they are an eyesore, but why are people complaining about them being dangerous? Did you never do anything dangerous as a kid? I know i sure did, climbing trees and stuff.

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