Hi all, recieved tonight a forgotten order from J.Parkers :rolleyes: In it are 3 Hosta roots (Fire & Ice - lovely, so glad I appear to have ordered them!! ) How deep should I plant these???? (I'm putting them in pots to protect them from our marauding sluggy friends!!)
Not too deep windy. The husks should be barely covered to start with, well mine are anyway. Mine took ages to appear the first year as baby plants(Fire & Ice) . They really needed a good heat to spring into life. I potted them up in loose compost to start with and at one point had them in full sun to wake up. Just top off the pots with fresh compost as they shoot to keep them protected longer and they will be covered quite sufficiently.
Great stuff BM Really can't remember ordering them but what a lovely surprise, just hope I can get them to grow now Did yours look as good as the pics??? Hosta, that is!! :D I like the contrast and hoped it would look cool against that boring hedge.....Is it really as white as it looks??? :D
Yes it is beautiful. I had trouble finding it as I never take a shot from that angle but I found one.
Yay!! It is as white as it looks in the catalogues If mine look half as good as yours I'll be well chuffed! Ooh this is so exciting!!!
Its a no-show canna I think from last year? It didn't look untidy so I left it alone. I am going to re-arrange my pots this year so will find something else to go in.