Starting an edible patch (Not sure if this should go here or in the edible forum)

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Jonathan 2845, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. Jonathan 2845

    Jonathan 2845 Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 18, 2007
    We've just bought our 1st house in Mold, North Wales and it has a nice little SSW facing long, thin garden split into 3 tiers.

    The 1st is a patio area, with potential for growing in tubs i presume, suggestions welcome...??

    This steps down to tier 2 which is 1/3 pond, 1/3 lawn, 1/3 shrubbery. I plan to leave this tier as it is.

    Tier 3 is the puzzler. It is largely lawn with a narrow border containing small plants and shrubs. I haven't measured it but from my amateur eye i would say T3 is 7m x 4m 'ish.

    Heres where i need your help. As with most house moves there is plenty to do inside (ive almost decorated the living room then I have 3 bedrooms to do). This is my priority and will take me till April but i dont want to find out its too late to start and ive missed out on getting some good growing results this summer.

    I may be able to negotiate a satday morning every other weekend to devote to the garden (gf permitting of course).

    Therefore what should i be doing 'now' that i cant do in april/may to ensure results this summer?
  2. badsal72

    badsal72 Gardener

    Jan 2, 2006
    You can't do very much at the moment unless you have somewhere light and warm like a heated greenhouse to start your seeds off and even then it is too early now. Buy some seeds of what you want to grow, you will find that most seeds are to be germinated late march /early april. This means that you have the occasional evening to plan when you start growing.

    Look at previous threads opn the forum, you should find enough information to get you started.

    Good Luck
  3. PercyT

    PercyT Gardener

    Jan 11, 2007
    hi Jonathon,

    Am a newbie gardener myself, cant really offer to much help, but if you wish to plant any thing edible for this year they you need to organise your beds before spring.

    Some of the other more experienced gardeners should be able to help.

    I have recently obtained an allotment and have planned it out to accomodate six 4ft by 16ft beds I am only on my third one.

    I am hoping to plant potatoes in one bed, peas beans, onions and garlic in another.

    hope this helps.
  4. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Hi Jonathon,I am also new to allotments but have grown veg in my garden plot for years. have got my allotment ready to plant in the spring.
    in my garden plot I have spring cabbage, broadbeans,garlic and onions growing. I will update my progress on my blogsite.
  5. TG

    TG Gardener

    Nov 8, 2006

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