Cauliflower spots

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by tonydsam, Sep 12, 2005.

  1. tonydsam

    tonydsam Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 12, 2005
    Hi everyone,
    My wife and I have tried growing some vegetables in our garden for the first time this year, we tried growing tomatoes, sprouts, onions, cucumber and cauliflower. The tomatos have been fantasitc, the onions are also looking good. We lost the cucumbers to a disease(Cant remember what it was now), but the cauliflower mainly and the sprouts have been growing well until the last two weeks.

    The cauliflower has lots of light yellow\cream spots on the leaves, which then go very fine and then we end up with holes in the leaves. The sprouts are also starting to get these.

    What are these and can I don anything to stop them, we have already spayed them with an insecticide around July time?
  2. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Hi tonydsam, welome to GC! Nice to have you on board! [​IMG]

    Don't have any answers for you but I'll be interested in any you do get as I've had the same prob!
  3. redfour

    redfour Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 31, 2005
    Hi tonysdam.

    Sounds like leaf spot to me. This can be caused by several different fungi. Round spots appear on leaves and later fall out leaving lots of holes.

    The main factor that contributes to leaf spot in brassicas, but particularly sprouts, is growing them too soft. Next year, when you're planting out your brassicas, don't dig the ground over beforehand. Cover the area with black polythene, etc. a few eeks before planting to stop the weeds, or hoe off any weeds. Dig a small hole, or use a metal bar to make a hole and put the plant in, firming well around it.

    This should stop leaf spot and give you beatiful tight button sprouts.


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