This week in the Polytunnel.

Discussion in 'Poly-Tunnel Gardening' started by polytunnel, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. polytunnel

    polytunnel Gardener

    Feb 20, 2008
    Time to keep an eye on the temperature inside the tunnel. My tomatoes got burnt as it soared into 102 degrees, have installed a fan and opened up the end fully.Enjoying lashings of wonderful strawberrys and mediteranian salads. spinach has done well also and tastes great fresh into salad, that reminds me i must plant some more. Friends are very impressed with the raw flavour when i give them a young leaf to sample then tell them it is spinach, it has had bad press in the past. Peas swelling nicely and should be ready next week, hope i can keep away the wife who nwill pick and eat her way through a row in next to no time.
  2. polytunnel

    polytunnel Gardener

    Feb 20, 2008
    After a very cold start to the year and seeming to take forever for the ground to warm up we are now suffering severe drought. Not a drop of rain now for four weeks. Cracks in the ground which I can fit my hand into. No this isnt the Costa Del Sol, its sunny Scarborough ?My 500 gallon rainwater tank is dry and just as all my peas are swelling and need a regular drink its all gone. The cherry tree seems not to mind and has given me a wonderful show of scented blooms followed by a bumber harvest of delicous cherrys. I fitted a wire net door to let cool air circulate but not the blackbird. he fooled me into a sense of false security last year and waited till the cherries were fully ripened before stripping the lot with one peck to each.
    i am using grass clippings to mulch round plants and it seems to work well, has anyone seen any problems with this ?
  3. high kype

    high kype Gardener

    Oct 24, 2006
    hi Ken sounds like you are having a good time
    if you think its working keep doing it good luck

    Mary :thumb:
  4. polytunnel

    polytunnel Gardener

    Feb 20, 2008
    Thanks Mary,
    yes I am having a great time, I only wish others with a handicap could have the same fun. Food for thought eh.
    i did wonder about giving over part of my tunnel to the local Mencap group to cultivate. They are wonderful people and I gave them some time a couple of years back. I think gardening would be very theraputic.
  5. coub

    coub Gardener

    Mar 25, 2008
    Thats a loving thought Polytunnel,talking of under plastic, its time to plant up the pak choi.isnt it.

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