Does anyone know where I can get a blue Iochroma from (or seeds/cuttings)? Oops!Also asked this question on a different thread.Sorry!
Hi gf, is this the plant your after, I grew this, I think, as acnistus, but I think the names changed. If its the one you after, all I can say is I dont find cuttings easy, but if you sow early it flowers the first year a bit.
The plant Pete mentions is Iochroma australis formerly Acnistus australe. It is probably better grown from seed, which may be available via Chiltern, Thompson & Morgan or similar. Seedlings can be variable, the best being rich blue as in Pete's pic, but pastel shades can also crop up. There is a very fine blue Iochroma - I. cyanea 'Royal Blue', which carries bold clusters of intense, almost navy blue, tubular flowers and has to be grown from cuttings. Visually, the main difference between the Acnistus section of Iochroma and Iochroma proper is that in Acnistus, the flowers hang on comparatively long stalks and flare widely at the mouth rather like diminutive, pendulous flowered Daturas. By contrast most Iochroma are decidedly tubular only flaring slightly or almost not at all. Unfortunately 'Royal Blue' is not widely grown and I do not know of a mail-order nursery that supplies it, although Reads Nurseries of Norfolk may stock it. A glimmer on the horizon is that Hill House Nurseries nr. Ashburton in Devon grow it and and a few other species and are contemplating starting mail order in the near future. It is well worth tracking down - one of the finest of the Iochromas IMO.
Yes, that is the one I'm after. I found out today that KobaKoba have some, but I'm not sure if they're the colour I want. I still have to check that out. Great plant. It looks beautiful.
Duh, I'd completely forgotten about Koba Koba - having a bad memory day I'm sure if you ask them for a good blue form of Acnistus, they'll be able to oblige.
Didn't know about the place called kobakoba had a browse they have some nice specimens, thanks for the link guys
Just came back from KobaKoba with my iochroma. Husband thought it hilarious that I payed �£4.50 for (as he calls it - A twig), But I'm really pleased with it. I'll show him! Can't wait for it to start producing leaves at the very least. Also couldn't resist buying a amorphophallus konjac tuber. This could be interesting! He laughed even louder when he saw that!These non-gardeners just don't understand do they!
iochroma australis vs acnistus I see that these 2 names are supposed to be the same but I bought «australis» and planted seeds of «acnistus» but now they are both 2 feet high and there is a difference. Acnistus smells of chocolate and is a bit «gummy» and the other one is «dry» and doesn`t smell anything. I would like to understand the difference? Does someone have a clue?
Hello nokikat and welcome to GC. I have had Iochroma cyaneum for a number of years now it this year it is at its best at nearly 2 meters heaving with flower clusters. Pete sent me a root of I australis last year and I struggle to keep it alive, let alone grow. Pete is the one to talk to you about these plants.
I have a 2ft Iochroma australis which I was given last year .Kept at about 40f it shed its leaves over winter but then as it warmed up burst into leaf and then flowered. It was however white with a hint of blue .I have a lot of seed but forgot to sow them as yet Dave
I got Iochroma grandiflora from Hill House Nursery in Devon. They had I.australis and cyanem too. It's a cracking place to visit if you're ever down that way.............