Hello everyone Does anyone know what this is? I'm guseeing that it's some sort of dianthus, but I could be entirely wrong. Seedpod Leaf Flower ANy help will be greatly appreciated
It looks like an opium poppy. I have some similar and love the double one but the single ones are like witch's flowers yuk! The seedheads can be dried and sprayed gold for winter decoration.
It is a Peony Poppy.. I had an entire front garden of them and had to ask the experts on here what they were, bag of seeds given to me just threw them on the ground and every one came up but I think they like the sandy soil down here They come in a variety of colours, I have Lavender, Shocking Pink,and Scarlet.
Wow, thanks a lot everyone. They are such amazing flowers, so I've collected some seeds. Hopefully they'll come up next year.
Yes great poppy got this one, plants die and new ones come up in completely different places each year. 1000s of seeds, if anyone wants some... email me please. Ladybird