Gosh it was hot here today, but back to the topic. I got a tiny Mandrake root two years ago and shoved it in a small pot of compost and left it in the cold greenhouse. It has suddenly grown like mad. I put it into a bigger pot today and left it in the cold greenhouse. Anyone out there know anything about growing this weirdo.
Hi wineandchoc You aren't into boiling up stuff in cauldrens are you! http://www.panspantry.co.uk/mandrk.htm
oh bliddy hell, that is FREAKY. how did you know that I was intersted in witchcraft. I live in Macbeth country. We chant when we make jam in the cauldron - okay, its an old jam pan, but cauldron sounds more fun.
Found this & thought of you.... http://evilninja.net/ayanamebio.htm Put Mandrake out into a warm sunny position in fertile well drained soil once chance of frosts are over. Will survive outside in a sheltered spot. You should have plenty of uses for it!
oh, thank you. This is going to be enormous fun. I have to confess to a chilling secret, I can put hexes on people - it is rather scary
doesn't work on lottery, I tried several times - drat and double drat. Can only 'get my own back' on folk who seriously rattle my cage. To get rid of a hex think deeply on the negative events, then think very hard of people who wish you harm and sent all the negative thoughts back to them. A tinker threatened to curse me once, I told her I would curse her thrice (made it up on the spot) but she went white and scuttled away. Just been to look at the Mandrake, it looks the same as yesterday :0)
Cheers Wine&choc - I do know a couple of blighters who have got away with far too much Couple of Mandrake links below - let us know how it goes! Weather here is lovely, so I'm scooting back outside! http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/cultivation/cultivation_growing-the-hallucinogens.shtml#MANDRAKE http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/m/mandra10.html
Hi wine&choc Where do you get your newts eyes from? My local tesco doesnt stock them and im having trouble getting them locally. Cloudy
your local Tesco is a letdown Cloudy, fill in one of those suggestion cards :0) Yo bayleaf, I feel a bottle of wine coming on, just got the chocs out of the fridge. The hedge man went home for a bath, he has his own personal scrubber LOL
A few more glasses & you can have my newts eyes :eek: Hedge man probably tired of trimming bushes all day [ April 02, 2005, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Bayleaf ]