nightmare journey

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Kathy3, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    just came home from birthday party,
    my son picked us up,the guy in front of us must have had a good few drinks,we couldn't and didn't try to overtake him,he was all over the road,dont know how many times he mounted the kerb
    we got close enough to get his licence,and phoned it in,he was taking up two lanes of dual
    carriageway,just hope he didn't cause an accident
    before he was caught
  2. Diziblonde

    Diziblonde Gardener

    May 6, 2007
    Hi Kathy, it's scary following someone like that, I always think that I'd rather they were in front of me where I can keep an eye on them than behind me where I might have to try and get away from them! Good on you for reporting him lets hope the police caught up with him.
  3. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    so glad you took the time to phone it may have just saved saved a life or two ;) [​IMG]
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    just aswell you phoned his number plate in kathy, iff you hadnt doubt he would of made it home before either killing himself or some one else.
    its not worth drinking and driving epsecially when you get in that state.
    watch camera action in usa and seen the police pulling these guys over and they nearly fall out of their vehicles and stagger all over the road, they can hardly talk to the police officers and try to convince the law that they havnt been drinking.
  5. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    Dizi,interimplants,Rosa,it was like a nightmare,what my son did was put on his flashers and slowed all the traffic behind us,another driver saw what was happening and sat abreast us so no one could overtake, we actually went 5 miles more than our turn off to see if the police would come before there was an accident,but no luck so we turned off at the next exit and the next driver behind took our place,they have my phone number so maybe we will hear
  6. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Good to know there are some decent drivers out there. the police should definately let you know what happened. Either way.

    Scary to think of people like that these days.

  7. dalbuie

    dalbuie Gardener

    May 8, 2005
    I hope you all don't mind me putting this up. My sister in law sent me this its actually a petition and if you would like to sign it just send me a pm and I will pass it on to you. I hope I don't upset anyone too much but I do feel very strongly about this subject.

    I went to a party,

    And remembered what you said.
    You told me not to drink, Mum
    So I had a sprite instead.

    I felt proud of myself,

    The way you said I would,
    That I didn't drink and drive,
    Though some friends said I should.

    I made a healthy choice,

    And your advice to me was right,
    The party finally ended,
    And the kids drove out of sight.

    I got into my car,

    Sure to get home in one piece,
    I never knew what was coming, Mum
    Something I expected least.

    Now I'm lying on the pavement,

    And I hear the policeman say,
    The kid that caused this wreck was drunk,
    Mum, his voice seems far away.

    My own blood's all around me,

    As I try hard not to cry.
    I can hear the paramedic say,
    This girl is going to die.

    I'm sure the guy had no idea,

    While he was flying high,
    Because he chose to drink and drive,
    Now I would have to die.

    So why do people do it, Mum

    Knowing that it ruins lives?
    And now the pain is cutting me,
    Like a hundred stabbing knives.

    Someone should have taught him,
    That it's wrong to drink and drive.
    Maybe if his parents had,
    I'd still be alive.

    My breath is getting shorter, Mum

    I'm getting really scared.
    These are my final moments,
    And I'm so unprepared.

    I wish that you could hold me Mum,

    As I lie here and die.
    I wish that I could say, 'I love you, Mum!'
    So I love you and good-bye.
  8. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    There isn't an emoticon to cover this. I am very upset, i know how true this must be for so many families.

    Jeez, i'll pm you for details later.


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