Some 'people' decided last night that it would be fun to go down our street (& a couple of others apparently) & rip the aerials off the cars. Well actually from the look of it they tried pulling ours off (cos the spring is extended) & then unscrewed it!! We would do the same to their heads if we caught them. What do they get from doing that? Luckily my radio still works. It's the first time we've had anything like this happen in 10 years of living here. Such a shame. cheers
Sounds like the old superglue and dip the aerial in crushed glass trick is called for here borrowers! It has the desired effect, I promise
thats dreadfull borrowers , first of all they dont like being called morons , second of all we cant blame the parents .and last but not least we are supposed to sit back and take as this is what kids have always been like..and if you call them morons and ask them to stop breaking your property they will either kick you to death or let you off lightly and just stab you. i do blame the parents,i wont sit back and take it and im not p..s..g in the wind. sorry to hear its all over the uk and if i catch someone doing this they will be sorry and so will the parents
If only i'd known that before Pal! I used to say that all cars should be able to have an electric current running on them so that anyone who actually tried to tamper with them would get a 'shock'. It never caught on cheers
thats awful borrowers, they went through a faze of ripping peoples side mirrors off their cars and pulling the windscreen wipers up, thought ours was smashed off luckily it wasnt, when i went out that morning all a long the street everyones car windscreens were up in the air. I would knock their heads off iff i ever caught them.A few years ago we caught someone breaking into our car, they were just trying to jump start it and my hubby went off his head running after them down the street, he couldnt catch them they were young and a lot faster than him, iff he had of caught one of them shudder to think what would happen as they carry knives.
Sorry to here that Borrowers I have had to wing mirrors ripped off (electric ones �£110 each time) 3 Ariel's I confronted the Culprits and they went away they came back later and jumped all over the Car I decided that as I knew the Parents It was Pointless going to see them as they were as bad as their Offspring age 16 and 17 so I dealt with the Culprits and was fined �£400 assault and Bound over But i have had no trouble Since ,I know it was the wrong action to take but at the time i was annoyed and angry This was the first time I had ever been in trouble with the Police and hopefully the last.The not so wise old Owl
Blimey seems i'm not the only one then, just been lucky in 30 years of owning cars. Rosa, lucky really that your hubby didn't catch them. Look at poor Woo's comemnts. Woo, we all know that violence isn't the answer but what else can we do? I'm sorry you had that experience. It's just that there is only so much one can put up with & i don't know anyone who would have done any different. What some people think is just a bit of fun can have a real bad knock on effect. Thank goodness for sites like this where we can let off steam eh? cheers
it doesnt half get under your skin. if i could i would let off more than steam..just i hope i dont catch one
Sorry to hear that, borrowers but they are not morons - they are scum!!! inter, stop sitting on the fence You need to come out and say what you think about it :D
Had a spate of this and the neibours windscreen was also broken and the bonnet damadged. Thankfully the mirrors on my pick up fold in rather than breaking so no harm was done. The first lot of trouble was reported to the police along with names of culprits but they were not intrested, even the pcso whos job im led to belive is precisly to deal with this sort of low level crime. Thankfully im fairly fit and was able to out run and catch the culprit the next time and Im happy to say gave him a really good kicking. No trouble with the police as I told the culprit what would happen to him if he reported it No trouble since and none at haloween either after a similar course of action.
Pro, i asked my husband when he told me (from neighbours) if it had been reported & he said 'what's the point'. From your comments it just proves that it is the same ones that go around doing this sort of thing. Good for you in what you did, i hope it made him think twice but who knows, he might just go on doing it somewhere else. What does pcso stand for? cheers
Police Comunity Suport officer Paid about 3/4 of a regular officers salary, no powers of arest only citizens but alowed to carry batons. The goverments answer in recent years to calls for more police on the beat. Allegedly they are meant to deal with low level crime but not in my experience. Ocasionally to be seen around these parts on a nice sunny day wandering around aimlessly well out of site of any trouble. Oh yes they dont work after 9pm so utterly usless!
Gotcha Pro, what can i add to what you have said - nothing. Have heard of them but like you say, what do they do? I want to see old fashioned bobbies on the streets. ********* i want to scream sometimes. cheers
We had our car broken into a couple of years ago - they managed to pop the passenger lock. All they took was my old CD player and the tape adaptor I used to play it through the radio. Tape adaptor probably worth about �£10, and the CD player now about the same (although it cost me �£40 when I bought it). They obviously decided it wasn't worth nicking the car... Now I protect myself from damage by being the filthy blue Punto with the rude car stickers and Mardi Gras beads in the car park full of silver Mercs, Bentleys and Rolls! Our next door neighbour owns a chauffeur company and there are always a few parked outside. But I suspect a really determined vandal would just smash everything up.
Juiasaurus, that's why i wasn't too bothered about my car. it's a Citroen Xantia, 13 years old, used as transpot for just us & Joyce so it's like a big dog carrier. I would be panicking all the time if i had a nice car. Saying that, i love my cars & they love me cos they don't get looked after very well but are good to me! I just hope the people that do that get older, like their car or house & it gets ruined for them. cheers