Getting to know you thread?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Ethansmum, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. Ethansmum

    Ethansmum Gardener

    Jan 26, 2008
    I know that theres a newbie section where we introduce ourselves, but I thought it would be nice if the old-timers could tell us abit about themselves. (or is this a silly idea?)
  2. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    nothing is silly on here Ethansmum
    I was born during the war near Glasgow bombs dropping not very far away,grew up with ration books,went to local school left at 15,started work in hairdressers till i was 20 went to South Africa for 3 years,was married there had my first son,came back to Scotland,had my second son, (the piper in my signature) then of to Canada for 1 year and then on to America for 10 years, marriage on the rocks came back to Scotland met my Billy and have lived happily since
    moved to newton hill in Aberdeen ,where both my sons worked in oil,and i love it
  3. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Its not a silly idea, but what do you want to know. [​IMG]
    The posts are there, if you want to look back and see what we all get up to. [​IMG]
  4. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    As my profile: Self employed groundsmaintance contractor (but do a bit of everything)

    Main hobby when time allows is mountain walking.

    Left school at 16, variuse jobs, an aborted college course, did chainsaw tickets and self employed since.
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    I,m a housewife, look after the hubby when he returns from africa off-shore, look after my rosa, cavalier king charles.
    I am a water colour artist painting mainly pets, my work is in hobbies section, I also love to get out and take loads of photographs of different places.
    we have 6 children between us grown up and have 3 grandchildren.
    I used to live in america for 8 years going back 15 years ago.
    like that old timers :D :D im 52 is that old
  6. Ethansmum

    Ethansmum Gardener

    Jan 26, 2008
    I like to know abit of background- I love these introductions.

    Whilst I have read alot of previous posts, theres still loads more to catch up on. Its great to know that apart from our love of gardening we have other things in common to.

    Kathy, I was born in Zimbabwe and I grew up in South Africa! I left at 18.

    Rosa, we always had cocker spaniels- I love 'em, yours looks really cute!
    When I said old timers- I meant to the forum not irl [​IMG] [​IMG] I don't want to be offending anyone LOL!

    Pro gard I've looked at your Work in progress photos and I'm sure I could do with you in our garden :D [​IMG]
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    I am the 8th oldest and 3rd youngest of 10 children.Was brought up in a Victorian Terraced House along with my other siblings plus the children my mum and dad fostered along the way.

    Mum was a housewife inbetween doing outdoor work to try and keep us all and pay the mortgage on the house.My Dad was a pattern cutter designer working for Trickers shoes from aged 14 until a stroke took him aged 59.and then my mum passed away aged 71 in 2001 10 days before Mr Kandy and I was made redundant from a firm where he had worked for 22 years and me 17 years..

    I started work on my 15th Birthday and carried on working until I was 47 and have been at home looking after the house,garden and allotment as well as a hubby and various pets.

    I was married in 1976 to my first husband who was a control freak and the marriage lasted not quiet 3 years.I married Mr Kandy in September 1980 and we have so far been married for 27 years.Unfortunatley we were unable to have children after many years of trying and treatment.

    My hobbies are Gardening,Photograhy,Walking,Swimming,Reading,Ornithology,helping friends whenever I can and corresponding with friends I have met through GC. :cool:

    By the way I am 51 years young :D
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    enthansum, I am only joking never thought for a moment you meant us, that must of been intersting living in south africa, it must of been fantastic seeing the wild life, i would love to go on a safari with my love of lions me being a leo. [​IMG]
    seen you logged in gc quite a lot it was the name so unusual it stood out
  9. Webmaster

    Webmaster Webmaster Staff Member

    Dec 21, 2004
    GC central
    Well ....

    I was born and bred in Essex, went to college for 3 years studying I.T. during the days, and had a part-time job in the evening delivering Pizzas (usually until 12 midnight), carried on the Pizza job for about a year after leaving college, but in the meantime, did Temp work at a local government (Castle Point), which only lasted around 4-5 months, after the temp work finishing, I then did 3 days a week working for an animal feeds company, delivering the animal feeds to local horse owners and farms etc. The other working days in the week were spent undertaking repairs to garage doors and fitting new garage doors/Tree work and garden clearances ...... Anything that would pay the bills.

    After a little while, I had a disagreement with one of the other employees at the animal feed business, who had got a real brown nose around the owner, and she was constantly putting me down in front of the owner ..... Until I finally snapped and told them where to go. that was the best thing I ever did. The Pizza job had run its course and I gave that up also, and I decided to dedicate all my efforts to my current profession ..... Supplying, Installing, repairing, automating Garage Doors.

    So in such a short time I have done quite a few things [​IMG]

    Hobbies include my cars, I have a few. My favourite is my Subaru, which doesn't get used much, but when I do get to take it to a track, I enjoy it. I also have a 1962 Land Rover 2 1/4 litre petrol SWB, which I dismantled the panels off of, replacing them and painting it up ....... this is still work in progress about 8 years down the line :D , on my driveway I have a Rover SD1 V8 which I bought as a bargain to repair, MOT and sell, I've had this about 4 months now, and I also have a Nissan 300ZX 3000cc V6, again, this was bought to tart up and sell on ....... I've had this 6-8 months now.

    Just recently I have started doing excercise and trying to get fitter again ..... I cannot believe how much power I have lost over the last 7 years, as I used to regularly attend a gym 3-4 evenings a week. Well, I have invested in commercial gym equipment (thank you Ebay, for all the bargain equipment [​IMG] ), and have truly got back into the swing of things.

    I have 2 children, 1 girl (Georgia) and a little Boy (Jack) by my other half Donna, who I met when I was working at the first Pizza shop I worked in, all those years ago.

    I have loads and loads of other hobbies, that I wish I had time to do ....... But time is so scarce :(

    Anyway ..... I think that is me about done ?

    No, I forgot, I also have a Gardening Forum :D , with an excellent bunch of members [​IMG]

  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    very interesting nathan, like the last bit mind very good :D :D [​IMG]
  11. Ethansmum

    Ethansmum Gardener

    Jan 26, 2008
    Thanks for replying, Its nice to know a little more about who we are all talking to.

    Thanks too, to you Nathan for such a friendly and informative forum!

    I'm enjoying it here, - its my escape from looking after the kids all day long. While I may be fortunate in not having to work, it gets very lonely.

    Rosa, this forum is far more addictive than doing the housework LOL!
  12. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    I studied physics at University, then worked in the research department of ICI Fibres in South Wales. I used to be a shot putter (never any good) and took up weight training to get a bit stronger. Heaviest lift was a half squat with 1,200 lbs on the bar (bent the bar a bit), and a British dead lift record of 694 lbs. When the fibres business was having a bad time, I retrained as an accountant. Still with ICI at first then later with the NHS.

    I had never done any gardening till I retired. I only started because I wanted to put up a fence, but to do so I had to dig out some shrubs, take down an old shed and remove a bit of an old concrete path. I enjoyed the destructive side, and had soon trashed the entire garden. I reasoned that it would give me something to do with my new found time to make good the damage. Starting with a clean sheet was the best thing I could have done.
  13. Ethansmum

    Ethansmum Gardener

    Jan 26, 2008
    Godness Peter, physics to accounts! My DH is a chartered and I'm part-certified accountant. We met when we both worked at the head office of a manufacturing group (both accountants for different subsiduaries).

    How interesting that you were a weight lifter- I imagined that you had been a gardener all your life [​IMG]
  14. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Wow what a thread! Facsinating!

    Okay stuff you might not have known about Whiley...

    I LOVE to cook. I'm learning slowly, but puds are my favourite to make.
    I craft all sorts of stuff!
    I play the online game World of Warcraft.
    I have myalgic encephalomyelitis, and am under going my final battle for referals and consaltations after fighting for recognition for around 7 years.
    My birthday is March 14th.
    I run a Rattery in an extension on my home and i work in breeding for specific genetics to better the health, temperment and intelligence of the domestic pet rat. I also show my rats with and deal with rescues throughout the country in affiliation with various other rescues such as the RSPCA.
    I have 2 dogs that live with my mother, Madeline and Pia, sisters, collie x retrievers.
    I have a young cat named Artemis and she is definately Daddys little girl!
    I live with my partner Darren in our home, and Darrens friend John is currently staying with us with his cat Shelby.
    John does not like rats, but John doesn't like much you can't plug a computer cable into.
    I am trrrrying to lose weight. This is possibly a feat i'll never manage.
    I work for a critical care unit as the receptionist and i love my job and the people around me there, i make a point of contributing to the patients entertainment :D

    I loooove film.
    I enjoy writing fiction, my mother believes one day i'll publish a masterpiece.
    I love drawing and painting but i don't think i can take that very far.
    I love all things passion filled, loving, cheesy and romantic, especially adore weddings and true love stories.

    I always make posts far too long.

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