how safe do you feel

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    VIOLENT BRITIAN!! seems most days now that someone one is stabbed across the uk. we had the gun crime for years but kids as young as 13 14 15 are involved now in stabbing people. school fights result in death and the householder recently that goes out to protect his property has ended up in death recently ,im only young so i feel fine walking to my local shop at night (feel better when i take the dog)but i know that even if you can look after yourself you are no challenge for a blade . i think its horrible that the older generation dont feel safe and wont go out at night .what scares me most is WHAT do the parents think their children are doing whilst people are being victims . its a problem that is getting worse. teenagers have fun it used to be knocker door run or an egg at your window ..not right but we could live with that. what can we do to get teenagers to stop putting knives on the street and does the problem start at home or is it just a new trend. whatever the cause is how do we combat it [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    When they stopped the school punishments and the parents ,teachers ,police being able to discipline the children it all went down hill.
    I would never ever say beat a child.
    But there as got to be discipline.
    I just hope these do gooders are pleased with themselves.
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hear hear lyn i quite agree with you, when we were little iff we did wrong we used to get a smack, not beaten just a smack and it didnt do us any harm.
    my father was a policeman and in them days iff kids did wrong they used to get a belt across the lugs and chased, The laws now parents and the local bobbies hands are tied, the kids can take them to court its all wrong.
    I personally and other people i know think the law should be changed back, do gooders such as the social services they have a lot to answer to, and half of them have never experienced childhood.
    After seeing that poor lady on tv last night with her children who lost her husband due to teenage vilolence, I would stand 100 per cent by her.
    BRING BACK CAPITAL PUNISHMENT ie Hanging, electric chair and i would push the button with her.
    I dont venture out at night alone its too dangerous you never know whos lurking our streets and this is felt across our entire country
  4. Juliasaurus

    Juliasaurus Gardener

    Apr 21, 2007
    I'm lucky to live in one of the safer London boroughs, but even that has had two attempted abductions (one woman, one child), several muggings and robberies and a stabbing. The majority of the attacks on adults take place very late at night, but I would avoid being on my own late at night almost anywhere.

    Having said that, my 6'3" Gerry Butler-lookalike husband and I were coming out of the chip shop at about 7:30pm a couple of months ago, and there was a small group of feral teenage girls outside. And one of them bold as brass just asked my husband "Can you give me �£1.50?". He looked indignant and said "No!!" and we walked home. I'm amazed that they had the nerve to ask him, or indeed anyone. But hubster said they could get away with it because some people were sufficiently intimidated by teenagers to just hand over money.

    I'm 28, so I never received corporal punishment at school (although I did have a shoe lobbed at me by a teacher once - she was one of the best teachers I ever had). When we joined the school at age 11 we were told we were the worst Year 7 the school had ever had, and when we left at 16 we were told we were the best Year 11 the school had ever had. This happened to every single year group. I don't remember our lot being as crazed as the teenagers today.

    I'm not sure that the lack of corporal punishment can be wholly blamed, because if that was the case then my peer group should have been as badly behaved as today's kids, and we just weren't (I've checked with friends and family who were adults when I was younger too). There's something else going on as well, and I can't put my finger on it.

    Basically the whole country's going to the dogs... ;)
  5. EileenR

    EileenR Gardener

    Jan 13, 2008
    I think youngsters these days know they can do anything...and no one can really do anything about it. It is worrying when these youngsters are tomorrows citizens.. whatever is it going to be like!!!
  6. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    Very simple...'The Workhouse' reinstated, run properly these are the holy grail I tell you !
  7. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    Not a bad idea ,some of these little thugs need something.
    I was looking in the paper, an old lady beaten to death for pennies.
    She was covered in bruises and blood where they had kicked her to death.
    I am a firm believer in tough love.
    Not giving in to them is the only way.
    The laws have got to be changed.
    This softly softly way is obviously not working.
    And as far as their human rights, they should lose them.
    It makes me so mad.
    You can't protect yourself or your property any more.
    If you ask them to stop you get beaten up.
    If you touch them you get sued .
    Bring back the moral bounderies, if they cross them they will have to pay .
    If they can't do the time they shouldn't do the crime.
  8. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    I work in a school, and there are some very angry kids,9, 10,and 11, year olds, why? I dont know..but there,s no deterrant, we can,t touch them, unless were seperating them from a fight.. even when we are being attacked, we cant fight back.. they are excluded for a week, and thats it...ive been kicked, punched, threatened with a baseball bat, swore at spat at, and even been offered out!!!
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    9,10,11 year olds acting like this it should be the happiest days of their young lives, Me at that age, I went horse-riding was a member of a sunday school, went ice-skating i had a wonderful child hood as did my friends.
    Dee that is just awful to hear and you must go to school not knowing whats going to happen next
  10. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
  11. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    Dee, I can easily understand that as In-house Advisor is a TA in Reception and has 4/5 yr olds answering back, swearing and general lack of respect. This comes from no discipline at home at that age, a lot of young parents just can't be bothered to teach them right and wrong (not their problem) and it just gets worse from there. We (goverments) have allowed children too many 'rights' which they have exploited in every way possible. I don't know of any really acceptable solution, my own would not be.
  12. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    </font>[/quote]Rosa, While these kids are at school we never know whats gonna happen, There bullies and my main concern is for the other kids.. I caught a 9 year old last week videoing a happy slapping on his phone :eek: i confiscated the phone and reported him. Nothing happened [​IMG] The headmasters too soft with them, and they know it, there not bothered if we threaten to take them to him, they just say, "so" do it.. :mad:
  13. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Strongylodon, I agree with everything you say, I dont know what the solution is, but theres someone up there (goverment) gett'n paid to find one..and they need to move there ar*es Quick.
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    will not mention names but a 3 year old has just started nursery and he tells the teacher to f--- off he apparently got it from another toddler in the nursery, I couldnt believe my ears when i was told the story, whatever one child does it seems to have a knock on affect to the others.
    As for the carry on at schools the government needs to change these laws as things are not getting any better.
    Dee have you wrote into the government to voice your concerns
  15. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    The best people to write to are the press. All politicians hate adverse publicity.

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