What is the Point

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Sunshine P, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Can anyone tell what is the point of stealing a number plate off the back of a car.

    My hubby is working down in Milford Haven Wales, last night he phoned me to tell me someone had pinched the number plate from the back of his car, he is not pleased as he has only had his new car for a little over 2 weeks.

    Is there any method in this madness and as I said before WHAT IS THE POINT :mad: :mad:
  2. glenw

    glenw Gardener

    Oct 10, 2006
    Hi, it could just be kids messing about but also people steal number plates to put onto other cars. That way, when they go through speed cameras or drive away from petrol stations without paying YOU get the ticket. Its worth telling the local police about the stolen plate just so that it is logged with them should you need 'evidence' later.
  3. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Thanks for that glenw will do you know i never thought of it like that, will have to tell him.
    The nerve of people these days what is our society coming too :mad: :mad:
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Sunshine a friend of ours had the same thing done to him from off the back of his Suzuki and he was told that people steal the number plates to put onto their own cars when they don't want to pay for petrol,though I am not quiet sure how it works as the cameras on the forecourts can pick up the front plate.

    Was the number plate bolted on?as we had a new car many moons ago where the number plate had been stuck on with sticky pads and when we parked the car near a hedge,as the car was reversed out the hedge pulled off the number plate.When we discovered it had gone missing we retraced our steps and found the number plate at the bottom of the hedge.Mr Kandy went back to the garage and gave them a piece of his mind,so they had the car back still under warranty and bolted it back on.We have never had a problem since because all the cars we had from then onwards had the plate bolted on.

    I am sure that the car people on here might be able to put you right as to why they go missing.It might be worth reporting the theft to the Police as well.When you go to have the number plate replaced you have to take the log book with you as proof of the regiestration.We had to do that when we went to get a number plate done for the trailer we bought.

    Good Luck and let us know how you get on with it.
  5. glenw

    glenw Gardener

    Oct 10, 2006
  6. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    We only bought it 2 weeks ago and the log book has not come through as yet, will be phoning the garage this morning, mind you there is not a lot i can do about it because he is down there and i am up here. I am sure he will of gone to the police i told him to, will let you know what i find out when he phones me later on. Thanks Kandy
  7. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    thanks for that glenw just been through that and will be getting in touch with the DVLA and the police.

    Once again thanks very useful
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    well sunshinep i think thats teribble, i cant see the point either but i see glenws point of view why they are stolen, is it going to be difficult to get the same one.
    let us know the outcome
  9. Webmaster

    Webmaster Webmaster Staff Member

    Dec 21, 2004
    GC central

    If you go to a graphics/vinyl/sign maker , they will usually make you road legal number plates, without evidence of the log book, that is what I always do, and if anything, they work out a little heaper and are made whilst you wait.

    The above statements are correct, number plates are stolen to hide the identity of another car, remember now that the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) that Polie use picks up whether a car has Tax, Insurance and MOT + whether it has been used in criminal activity. This allows whoever stole the plate to drive around as they want to without getting pulled up by the ANPR (as the Police only stop the cars when an alarm sounds to tell them something is up with the car), you may even find yourself being stopped by ANPR if you report it ;) .

    Criminal activity can mean almost anything with your number plates, anything from a bank robbery to stealing petrol and driving off, avoiding parking notices ......... The list can really go on.

    Hope this helps, but don't let it scare you.

    If you are that worried, change the reg of your car to a private plate, which can be bought from around �£99 .
  10. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    thanks Rosa

    Webmaster thanks for that might even think of changing to private reg, and another thing i know is when he comes home we are swapping cars he can take mine instead, :D
  11. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Panic over everyone someone handed it back to him this afternoon they found it lying in the street, all battered though, he said it looks like who ever took it just did for fun, mind you before it was returned (someone new it was from his car)he went to a garage and lo and behold was told exactlly what you all said could not have on without any paper work.

    He just put it back on as a tempory measure because i went to croall Bryson, the Rover dealers and got one straight away, just told them what happened and they did it there and then, new shape also �£21 plus VAT.

    Thanks for your kind words and help i will be keeping that one glenw just in case anything like this happens again.

    Once again thank you. :D [​IMG]
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Sunshine,glad to see that you have got it back albeit a bit battered.I bet it had been stuck on like ours had been.We have seen quiet a few cars with their front number plates missing,so I bet they havn't even missed it. :rolleyes:
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi sunshine great news pleased to hear the number plate has been found although battered and bruised.
    thats a good price for one and i will remember were that rover dealers is in case we ever need parts for our guzzler :D [​IMG]
  14. Ethansmum

    Ethansmum Gardener

    Jan 26, 2008
    My husband has had his front grill nicked twice now in the last 2 months.( its the front chrome bit with the car's insignia). Now I could understand it if it was a porche or a lamborgini- but its a vauxhall for goodness sake :(

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