weight watchers

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by mgn, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    this is great! we can do this!!!!
    sweetp, whiley and myself want to lose 2 stone - borrowers want to lose some - i think together we can!!!

    whiley weight watchers is free registration and you get a free starter pack till 9th february - best of luck and stick in!

    i ate the last of the smarties i had from xmas and going to limit the roses to 5 a day till they are gone. i did boot camp today, my 15lb weights and 6.6lb weights in a last ditch attempt to lose an ounce for tomorrow! I'm going to set my cals between 1,000 and 1,200 - i've changed to skimmed milk and stocked up on my barley water as i swear it helps!

    what i've leaned is i can still gain weight too easily when i go for it, but i can also maintain pretty easy too - it's just losing the last of it that is the hard bit but i am determined that this year will be the year i am a normal weight yahoo!!!

    and thanks lady of leisure, that was a dress i had always wanted as i am a big fan of marilyns and the dress was really flattering in the cut, which helped! -- honeybee you sound like my husband, he's a rebel and i'm sure he'll deliberately gain weight at ww just because he wont want to do what he's told... but i am sponsering him to lose so maybe he'll behave!

    good luck slimmers! let's keep this going - we would be adding years to our lives!!!
  2. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Very exciting stuff, think i did quite well today!

    Today i've kept within the calorie allowance easily!
    And i still feel quite full!
    Managed an extra 30 minutes walking too, not much but its a start and different to my normal nothingness of exericse!

  3. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    hey whiley thats a great start!!!! [​IMG] [​IMG] how much do you think you could lose in 8 weeks? I'm going to try and get to target in 8 weeks considering i just gained this stone (i hope i'll lose it quick hardy hah!) i might be over hopeful but i need a goal date in mind as quite frankly i should be finished dieting by now!

    Just got back from weight watchers and i won the raffle there! I've got 28.5lbs to lose to goal, (but really thats including 2.2lbs for my clothes, so 26.3lbs in reality!) i dont know if i'll get the hang of the points system as i'm so used to counting calories.

    start -- 3rd january - 28.5lbs to go
    i'm setting myself a target of 3.5lb loss this week
  4. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Ee very exciting! What did you win?

    I'm hoping to lose 2lbs - 3lbs a week in 10 weeks in order to get to my goal weight. So about the same as you really.
  5. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    i won a Ã?£3.50 token to spend in their shop, so i got the new magazine and 3 packs of ww chewy sweets :D not bad for first time there! i bet the others were secretly booing me as no one wants a newbie to win [​IMG]
    everyone was nice at the meeting - my husband just got weighed then left as he's embarrassed, was only 2 other men and one of them got weighed and left too, so was just me and my mum who sat through the talk.

    when you lose weight the leader gets this clapping thing out and everyone claps, theyre also pretty easy going if you happen to gain too. the only thing i'd say was wrong about the meeting was we havent been told how many points or calories to have! we have to work that out ourselves - luckily we are clued up but not everyone is.
    i said though i'm just counting calories but she wants me to do points for at least one week just to see how many i'm on.

    i'm quite looking forward to next week now and feel motivated again - it's been just what i needed as it's easy to get complacent and think i'll start tomorrow...

    10 weeks is a good time to do it in, but dont get disheartened if it takes 15 a it can be really hard when you get near the end - it'll probably take me longer than 8 weeks but 8 weeks doesnt sound too long so will keep me motivated till then!

    and exercise today is nill, going to watch elizabeth smart on ch4 now, relax, then start for real tomorrow!

    hope you have nother great day whiley!
  6. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Oohh now i have some half expectations for my meeting on monday i'm less worried :D

    Well done Mgm, good luck with the new day :D
  7. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    nothing to be worried about whiley, and i bet you wont be the only new member there [​IMG] they dont mesure you and they dont do exercises, which is what puts alot of people joining these clubs. You also dont have to say anything and can just hide at the back.

    if you go to ww website you can print off a free coupon too.

    i worked out my points (pretty easy to find out in the leaflet) and I'm allowed 21 and I can earn more through exercise, and for an hours boot camp I could take an extra 9.5 points!!! But my sneaky 5 roses a day are my exercise treat, which has got to be less than 9.5 points!

    it's easy to work out how many points food has too from using the calorie and saturated fat label -- I've realised that the whole weight watchers concept is keeping to a low fat diet, forinstance my edam cheese a slice is 2points, but the calories are the same as a pack of diet polos that are only 1 point, so it encourages you to keep your saturated fat intake down - prety clever.

    tesco healthy living also has the points on there packaging.

    I can still have my pasta as half a pack of asda brocolli and cheese is 4 points, yay.
    Now got to work out how many points kit kats have as they arent going to be given up any time this century!

    I also did do some exercise last night, did my weights and today will do my boot camp dvd.

    going to have a prawn and grape salad now :cool:
  8. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Well today i had my healthy option Lasagne at lunch time, and making up a roast now, of which i'll only eat a small portion of, which is biiig sacrifice for me!

    I think the points system is pretty nifty, i think it is probably better for me to do personally than calorie counting as its almost like using credits.

    Tomorrow i'm buying an exercise dvd i think. Dont know which one, whats this boot camp one you suggest?
  9. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    if you look on ebay for --harvey waldon fighting fit fighting fat--, then thats the one i swear by!
    it'll tone you up and help lose the lbs - and it isnt gimaky like some dvds are - it's serious stuff [​IMG] i also like kathy smith. i couldnt recommend anymore as they are the only 2 that i think work and are easy to follow.

    i've found a problem with the points for my husband - his full cal pepsi which he is addicted to. according to the points a bottle is only 6 points and thats 900 cals or so, yet my prawn cocktail was 5.5 points for 230 cals - so youve got to use your noggin when there isnt any saturated fat but loads of sugar. :eek:

    well good luck to us for tomorrow and another great day! [​IMG]
  10. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006

    Might have to get my head around this i think.
    Thanks for that title i'm going hunting for it now! I'm really tempted by that Dirty Dancing exercise dvd that comes out on the 7th too.

    I was a naughty girl :( I hate myself for it now but i loved it at the time, ate far too much of the roast, and blinking well made everything with the beef fat. :( Last roast for a while i think. I dont do roasts halfheartedly!
  11. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    naughty naughty! well you arent officially starting till monday are you? not that i'm making excuses for you [​IMG]
    better day tomorrow [​IMG] - and dirty dancing one sounds interesting, might hunt that one out when it comes out.

    think i'll get a ticker for on here...
  12. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/w49Vz7C/" target="_blank">
  13. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Brilliant idea! I'm going to be a bit fat copy cat and pop one in my signiture me thinks.
  14. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    mgn - just a short message cos i just spent ages typing one & then lost it!

    Well done, i am trying too.

    Sarr, don't be horrible. we need 1 wish that encompasses more than 'one'.

    Good luck all 'losers'

  15. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    go for it whiley! [​IMG]

    good luck borrowers, you know just 14lbs is down a dress size! [​IMG]

    i'm late up today as i stayed up to look after my cat, but i'm feeling like i might have lost some weight and the xmas bloat is going down thanks to my boot camp

    today - (will be feeling much better when i get back to 12 stone as i'm feeling 'heavy')

    well think i'll do boot camp again to make up for my usual sneaky 5 roses!

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