weight watchers

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by mgn, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    see if you can gues who this is?


    it's sonia off eastenders! :eek:

    Natalie's old diet

    Breakfast Nothing
    Mid- morning snack Croissant
    Lunch Sandwiches and biscuits
    Dinner Meat, veg, potatoes
    Snacks Wine, cheese, crisps, dips, chocolate

    Natalie's new diet

    Breakfast Cereal with skimmed milk
    Lunch Salad and roast chicken in a wholemeal pitta bread
    Dinner Baked fish served with vegetables
    Snacks The odd glass of white wine, fruit

    Get Natalie's body with our top tips

    1 Lay off the booze
    'I cut right down on alcohol,' says Natalie. 'Most people find that cutting back on alcohol helps them lose weight effortlessly,' adds nutritionist Carina Norris, author of You Are What You Eat (�£12.99, Virgin).
    'A large glass of wine ââ?¬â?? especially at home ââ?¬â?? can contain upwards of 200 calories.'
    Slash the calorie content by pouring small and adding ice.

    2 Eat breakfast
    'Skipping breakfast meant that Natalie's blood-sugar levels were low by mid morning, meaning she'd have been craving sugary, fatty foods to try to keep her energy up,'
    says Carina.

    Studies show that breakfast eaters are slimmer than brekky skippers, so always have something first thing. Good choices include low-sugar cereal, porridge with berries or scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast.

    3 Snack regularly
    'It'll keep your metabolism fired up,' says Carina. 'Eating every three or four hours keeps your metabolism working efficiently, plus it keeps your blood-sugar and energy levels steady, meaning you won't be prone to binge eating.'

    4 Don't be too strict
    'I still treat myself,' says Natalie. 'I love a glass of white wine and I still have a drink.' Believe it or not, cheating on your diet will keep you slim, according to Carina: 'If you cut out absolutely everything you love, you'll quickly get bored and ditch your diet. Allow yourself to have the odd treat and you'll be much more likely to stick to your diet
    the rest of the time.'

    5 Exercise
    'Doing something that gets you a bit hot and sweaty three times a week is enough,' says celebrity trainer Nicki Waterman. 'It could be a fitness DVD, a quick jog or a boxing class.'

    In fact, if you mix it up, you'll see better results because your body will be 'shocked' into burning fat faster
  2. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    she lost 2 and a half stone by doing 50mins exercise dvd 5 times a week. from what i've read in other places she did an extensive aerobic dvd and may be doing a tv show. she had a boob job too.
  3. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    I'd say we're about the same size Rowan! So from now we should be level!
    My fall back is there is nowhere private to do my exercise dvd :(

    Might see if Darren can hook up our old dvd player to our old tv in our bedroom, theres a bit of room there, but there is nooo way i'm doing an exercise dvd in front of our house mate john!

    As for Natalie - I know! I saw her on Closer magazine and had to get a copy! :D

    She has done amazingly well, if she can do it i can!

    Although i go through phases of 'eesh i'll never do it' i also find myself getting very excited about the aspect of having a new body so hopefully Weightwatchers will put me on the right track :D

    Its on tonight - wish me luck!
  4. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    oooh good luck! [​IMG] remember it's a night time weight WITH clothes, so in reality youre probably a few pounds lighter than they say, but at the end means youre a few pounds lighter than goal :D

    i might go see if they have closer in the shop. i'll never look as good as i ruined my body with the many stones i carried, ah well, not to worry [​IMG]

    Ah give the boys a treat and do the video with them there - infact get them to join in themselves!

    just to add I am not going to exercise till thursday as i have pumped my muscles up and i think this is what is saying Nil loss on the scales - good thing is though my jeans are fitting better just in half a week, but weight watchers are interested in just what the scale says. I was also reading some studie last night that in rats (like yours whiley!) they actually gained weight by exercisisng, and muscle weighs 3 times more than fat per same size but burns up more calories.

    have a great first WW meeting!

  5. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Cheers mgn!

    I had a fantastic time at WW! My leader is a real 'rawr coach' type lady, and is going to be very good for me!

    Its really put me in the right frame of mind! So exciting!

    I'm not sure if i'd be brave enough to do my exercises in front of them! But then depends how brave i'm feeling!

    I know what you mean about the muscle gain and scales, but its tough really, i want to tone at the same time! If Natalie from Easties can do it so can i!!
  6. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    Hey whiley i'm so chuffed youre a weight watcher now too [​IMG]
    Just think if we lost 2lbs a week by May we could both be Gold members!!!

    I dont think Natalie did weights, more aerobics and toning exercises which is maybe what i should concetrate on now, then concentrate more on weights and boot camp at the end.
    i had my best weight losses before i took up weights and boot camp, and if i am going to get the ''weight'' down then i think should revert back to my old exercising. God, i dont know what to do for the best [​IMG]

    ps. I got it wrong before, Natalie had lost 4 stone from reading Closer (good mag i think, not sure its true about that celeb losing 1st 11lbs on 1300 a day in a month though!)

    well i have one more day then weigh in day - i hope i have a loss, i've been good i think, but i still panic! My mum has lost 4lbs so far according to my scales, she's really sticking to plan, i'm proud of her!
  7. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Ah goldmemberness! I've heard to raved about but i dont know what it is to be a gold member. Is that when you loss a 10th of your body weight?

    Its a toughy this exercise stuff, i figure whats important to me is being slimmer and toned, i don't want to be muscular in the slightest, i just want my skin under control! Plus my thighs are like tree trunks, so i want to work them slimmer! :D

    Good luck for tomorrow! I'm sure you'll do fantastically! Keep me updated how much you've lost! Excited for you and fingers are crossed!
  8. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    no goldmember is when you reach your target - i think you get a gold key, key ring, and you can go for free classes but you must attend at least 5 times a year and not go more than 5lbs over target - you get a silver key ring for 10% - my books downstairs so havnt got it handy, but should be in the bumpf they gave you. [​IMG]

    I want to be toned but I'm not bothered if I'm not rock hard solid toned, but my sore points are my arms, they are naturally huge and I build muscle really easy. i would have to waste my muscles if I wanted to look small, but then I'd have to get nearly underweight, and i wouldnt be burning fat as i'd have no muscles haha - catch 22 for me.
    I'll never be a small person so i thought i'd just make the most of my body type and get strong.

    anyway, think i might have lost 2lb, will see what ww say tomorrow [​IMG]
  9. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    btw for your legs, just leg lifts really help where you lie on your side and raise them- i've got big legs too and massive calves (but my ankles are tiny!) and it really tones them up.
    Another good one for your thighs is lie on your back on the floor, legs slightly parted and raise your bum off the floor and hold and tighten - i think it might be a pelvic floor excercise but it works on your legs and bum!
  10. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    I am happy to report a 3lb loss on my first week at ww [​IMG]
    my mum lost 4lb and my husband 1/2 a lb

    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/w49Vz7C/" target="_blank">
  11. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    yay!! Well done my lovely! Thank you for the above info too! Give mum and hubbie a pat on the back. I have no idea how much i've lost, id be happy if its a single pound frankly!
  12. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    Hi whiley, not long till Monday now for you [​IMG] 1lb or half a pound, it's still a loss - but you might be pleasantly surprised by your weigh in!!!
    By the way they have started doing monthly passes, it works out at 4.41 a week I think and covers a callendar month. We are going to start getting them.

    And just a little tip I've learned along the way - sometimes it doesnt matter how much i might have eaten during the day (well, you know not overboard, but a bit of a cheaty day), if I go to bed feeling hungry then I usually have a loss.

    i've been good but have put boot camp on hold till i get rid of this coldy cough - instead I'm just doing my toning and jogging on the spot and star jumps every now and then. Cant beat star jumps! OMG doing them infront of the mirror with my belly on show is an eyeopener though :eek:

    I am hoping maybe for 4lbs this week as it is still new fat - i dont think i'll achieve it but i want a lucky 7!


  13. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Ooo thank you Rowan!

    You never know, you might hit that 7lbs! You'veb een working hard! I have to admit, i am lusting for a chinese now. Or a chippy. I've had no alcohol at all in 2 weeks, no naughties at all bar a hot chocolate, but even that was made with splenda that i found randomly in my cupboard that i didn't know i had.

    Darrens been trying to support me too, hes decided not to ask for particular meals to be cooked, but eat what hes given, and hes becoming rather keen on courgettes!!! We are both making the effort to leave some on the plate, i'm weighing out portions [never used to, my portions were enormous] and we're finding we're not that hungry really.

    I felt guilty about him avoiding yummies in the house as he reeeally doesn't need to lose weight, so i tell him he has to eat whatever he likes for breakfast which he has at the work canteen :D

    We also saw the river cottage programme, and both of us had our eyes opened, so we're going free range, but also cutting down our meat intake, as i've been basing meals on how many veggies i cna stuff in them, and the meat as an after thought, and we're not really finding ourselves bothered about the meat, so i'm making one or two big meaty meals a week now. Things you can't really have a veggie alternative for - like a roast!

    I can highly reccomend The All Star Workout dvd by the way. Lots of celebrities, the menu with alll he different work outs is really nifty, theres a cooking bit on it as well with Gorden Ramsey, and its really nifty. Very good approach, with lots of faces you know, and its fun. I rented my copy but i'm buying one now too.
  14. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    Nice picture!! [​IMG]
    So you are all doing well with the weight loss then I see ,very well done!..I haven't weighed myself for four months..couldn't find the blinkin scales :rolleyes: Found 'em last night and discovered I'd dropped half a stone and am down to 13 now . [​IMG] I'm happy because I have to have a few treats to put a little back on,but Mrs Pal isn't quite so happy.. [​IMG] ... :D
  15. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Haha Nick, lucky you!

    Yeah we're doing okay arent we! Have to say i'm a bit scared about tomorrows weigh in, my first since the initial start off, so i have no idea if i have lost anything at all!

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