weight watchers

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by mgn, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006

    I cant remember my pin to my ticker and i think i deleted the email with it in. I'm a numpty [​IMG]
    I'll take it down in a second.

    Thank you for the congrats! I'm feeling pretty good about it despite the fact i was actuall crying for takeaway yesterday. I've had too many poorly rats around me, 1 death, 1 death any time now, and a few getting close. :( It happens with rats all around the same age. :(

    Definately went over my points limit yesterday. To be honest my hearts with my animals right now, not my brain. That and the fact i'm feeling ridiculously ill. Sometimes the only remedy is chips, but i've been good and not got there just yet!

    Welcome Linlin! No we're not near our goal weights yet! Come on in! :D
  2. linlin

    linlin Gardener

    Oct 15, 2006
    Hi mgn - I'm loosely basing a diet on weightwatchers but I don't always count the points, just eat as little as possible!! Lots of their zero-point soup. I've lost 4-5 lbs in three weeks, so am doing okay.

    I want to start by loosing another 16 lbs some of which has crept on since spring last year and some loaded on since I stopped smoking in November. I feel like I'm fighting a loosing battle with my metabolism and there are times when I'm silently screaming too!! So loads of hints and advice please.
  3. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    whiley, lol, remember your pin next time ;) sorry to hear about your rats, it's awful when they die and are dieing (been through that every year for a long time with pets)dont reach for chips though! unless its a monday, then i think you can get away with it! Keep trucking along, youve done remarkeably well - i'm jealous! it was my idea and youre winning me [​IMG] ;)

    lnlin, well done on your loss! firstly your metabolism is probably fine. apparantly people who carry a bit extra actually have a better metabolism than skinny folk! Any hints and tips, well the best one i can give you right now is buy paul mckennas i will make you thin book and cd !! i am having great success with it and back in the 12 stones as of today!

    I know it might sound not what youre after, but honestly i feel i have to rave about it! :eek:

    other than that, keep a diary of what youre eating and add the cals up as you go - try and do whatever exercise you can, and thats basicly it! diet polos have been one of my life savers. drink plenty water as well as it does help.

    and dont give up is the important bit and dont give up completely what you love. i ate chocolate throughout my weight loss and i always will eat it.

    best of luck - we can do it!!!!!!!
  4. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    well i was down 1.5, my mum 1lb - so for january she lost 11lbs and me 5lbs - am going to go by my scales naked morning weight though, as i feel i am being robbed! ;o)

    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/w27QvXU/" target="_blank">

    i reclaimed my heighest weight: 17 st, this morning 12st 13lbs - working on reaching 11:5.

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