Wooooaaaahhhh! i've heard buttocks are good if cooked properly, cos of course they are mainly muscle. Calf muscle too. Then there are the organs, which we eat from nearly every other animal anyway. You really think about that going to sleep :eek: did you hear about that German bloke? i think this thread is going to be monitored & we will all have a knock on the door shortly. BM, try to think happy thoughts. A nice beach, loads of banana trees etc. Seriously, i don't worry about sleeping now, if i'm up all night so be it. i am 'lucky' in that i can sleep when i feel i have to not when i need to. not lucky at all, but i have known it different so appreciate it if that's the right word. Come the spring & summer though i will be out in my little garden so the air will knock me out! Cheers
the fingers are to some of them banana man, but i cant see you would get much meat on them, unless you went after someone with really big chunky fingers, more a deliccy for starters i'd think.. thighs and buttocks are probably the tastiest, youre right borrowers! they use loads of seasoning when they eat people so i cant imgaine people are that tasty. as for disposing of bodies, i wouldnt go with the dismembering and dropping loads of bits all over the place i'd think it was safer to go with under tha patio and keep close to home although i did see a real life tv show where they found an arm but that didnt prove the person was dead as you can live without an arm! i'm the same borrwers, i sleep when i need to. i actually spent last night on the sofa as it was 5am before i felt sleepy so didnt think it worth going to bed. (strange thread!;O)
I'm beginning to think there are some very strange people on this forum :eek: But it is interesting to hear how other people while away a sleepless night. Me, I don't have any trouble as I sleep like a log
Mad Peeps, Totally Wacky....I cant paste from photobucket, grrr, so no smiley today folks did i hear an applause there
If you are having problems with photobucket perhaps tinypic will work for you. It's the same except you don't save the picture in an album - it just disappears when you've used it. http://tinypic.com/index.php
Forget the last remark it`s a bit out of sync. SweetP you`ve been on here for days now and you only THINK we are strange? :D
activex is from smiley central. it's full of malware - you also get it from just saving random pics from the net - i never knew this till i got my new pc and it wont let me alter saved pics as my pc has banned active x.