Opinion on my tree please.

Discussion in 'Trees' started by paullus, May 30, 2010.

  1. paullus

    paullus Apprentice Gardener

    May 30, 2010
    This is my first post here so hello everyone.
    I need some advice on my "Greys Ghost" or Betula Utilis Var Jacquemontii Himalayan Birch. My wife bought it from a reputable source in February this year and it was planted immediately. Before buying we made sure our soil which is fairly heavy but well drained was suitable. However it still appears to be dormant with no sign of any leaf shoots. The delightful children next door managed to snap a small branch with there football which I snipped and dipped in rooting powder and put it in my greenhouse. Remarkably this little off-cut was showing signs of life within days and now has good healthy leaves. This clearly suggests to me that my tree isn't dead but why isn't it sprouting?
    We live in Staffordshire and we have been having great weather recently. All other trees and plants in the garden are very doing well but sadly this looks like a bare stick.
    The Birch is currently standing at approximately 9 feet tall and the bark looks healthy.
    Any ideas please?
    Thank you.
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Hi Paullus & [​IMG]... I am sorry but I cannot offer any answers really, other than it was a very long cold winter, but I have a 40yr old one in my garden & it is well advanced into leaf now.. What about Catkins any signs of them as they appear 1st...
    Also, what were the weather condition when & after you planted it... :scratch: They are normally very robust trees when young & only get temperamental when old so I am told... :lollol: A bit like us then... Oops sorry..
    :thumb: We do actually have an Arboriculturalist as an active member on here & he maybe able to shed more light on it for you.. Look after your cutting though.. :wink: It is a holiday weekend so give him some time.. :thumb:
  3. paullus

    paullus Apprentice Gardener

    May 30, 2010
    Hi Marley.
    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I have no catkins just the closed brown buds. We certainly did experience a long cold Winter. The ground was covered with snow several times after the tree was planted. I'm still hoping it was the long cold spell which has retarded my Birch. A palm that we have had for years almost succumbed to the cold too but it seems to be recovering nicely.
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Oh no, don't give up yet paullus.. It was a young tree & a very cold winter.. Don't let it dry out now though, make sure it's soil is always damp/moist now & I hope you will see something soon.. I might be inclined to knock a couple of buds of & dissect them to see if they have life inside.. Just a thought, :scratch: but as I say hopefully Treesurfer will be around after the weekend
  5. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    I dont want to sound ominous, but I wonder if it may be dieing upwards.

    It seems the top of the tree is alive ok, but just wonder if its a root problem.

    It could just be sulking I guess
  6. has bean counter

    has bean counter Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    Have you tried giving it a water?

    Was it supplied bare-rooted or in a pot?

    What support (stake) have you given it?
  7. paullus

    paullus Apprentice Gardener

    May 30, 2010
    I keep the soil moist. It was delivered in a pot and I mixed the contents of the pot into the soil when The tree which is attached to the supplied stake with the recommended slip type strap.
    This morning I removed a bud and cut it open. It is a healthy green inside so I think the tree may just be a little slow after the long Winter.
  8. Harmony Arb

    Harmony Arb Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Hi paullus,

    Trees in pots don't generally have the energy reserves that outdoor trees normally have, so this winter may have had an affect on how well it's going to take. Being pot bound then introduced to hard, freezing cold ground probably shocked it a bit. Just keep it watered and fed and it'll probably come up OK when it's ready. I wouldn't mind a photo or two of it if you could post one though, just to check.

  9. has bean counter

    has bean counter Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    You say that you mixed the contents of the pot with your soil. A pot grown plant should have a well developed root system that retains all of the pot's soil when you remove it from the pot. Was this the case?

    Was the pot compost very dry?

    It should have broken into leaf by now.

    Have you tried spraying the tree with water?

    Take a trowel or hand fork and have a look at the soil down around the roots. Is it dry or there any little white grubs, do the roots look healthy - genrally new roots are white at first.

    Is the tie too tight and sqeezing the bark.

    If it has been grafted, look at the stem just above soil level and see if it looks healthy and intact.

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