Finally! I have fond a job on a local pig farm, in a tea room -and i love it.Part time from now on but i have done extra shifts this last fortnight to help get the place up and running. Kitchen assistant,come washer upper,waitress,etc.. I think i must have made about 30 quiches in the last 2 weeks,chocolate cakes,pans of stew,all kinds of comfort foods.I it. They`ve also built a butchers shop on the farm so we bake alot to sell there. We do have a chef,but he works different days to me so i get to experiment.And yes,i`ve had a couple of disasters. It takes me and my sister in law about 20 minuites to walk to work via the old railway line so i`ll have to remember to take the camera as the views are lovely.Also the actual farm shop is set in beautiful surroundings with a huge pond with a mini waterfall which runs under the actual tea room to a wheel which generates electricity.It`s all so quaint.Although, I did have to don me wellies yesterday as we`ve had alot of rain and no doubt it`s goona get worse but i don`t care. Oh, and i`ll own up now.I intend nicking a few recipes from all of you.Hope you don`t mind. :D
Great news Elaine really pleased for you that you are happy with your new job I hope everyone is nice to you and that you settle in fine. Your walk to work sounds great as long as the weathers nice of course I'll look forward to seeing some pictures from you soon.
Well done Elaine.....It's great to be happy in your work..........It's been a good year for you......Got Married as well... And plenty of cheap pork
Thanks for the support folks.Yor right roders, it`s been a good year.Although Mr.fiz went a funny colour at one point when i jokingly said we should keep a cake for the christening. I almost took a job in Wikinsons whilst waiting for the council to finish building the by-pass, which hopefully will bring alot of extra trade to the farm. I`m glad i listened to my belly and waited.