How can they?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    As some of you may know my eldest son Dan works at PC World, Dan loves his job which is a rare thing indeed these days and he is full time at the moment as it's his gap year from Uni although he would normally work only part time.

    He has worked there a number of years and tells me what goes on there etc.

    Well over the last year items have been stolen from the shop floor laptops etc. all of which comes out of Dan's and his workmates bonus, they even had one member of staff nicking from the staff lockets.

    They found one thief just a couple of months ago with about 4 ipods on him and Dan couldn't believe who it was as it was the security guard!

    The guy had worked there for many years and had been doing the stealing for a long time.

    They have now got another staff thief knocking about as one of Dan's work mates 'lost' his wallet at work and the same day his wife had a strange phone call asking for the guys bank details, but made an error as he called the guy Andy where on his card it said Andrew.

    Dan said only a few knew to call the guy 'Andy', anyway 'Andy's' wallet returned the next day to an innocent person's locker as it was a locket that can be opened without a key.

    I just can't imagine how someone could do this to anyone nevermind their work mates!

    Dan was really angry about the security guard but thought that was that and they had found the thief but not so.

    I was wondering if any of you have come across the same thing and if so how it affected you?
  2. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    helen ..two years ago my aunty died of cancer aged 52. and in her last mins all the family made it there . after all saying our goodbyes we left the room . then my brother remembered that my aunty always wanted his daughter aged six at the time that she wanted her to have her gold chain. my aunty had not been left alone long. and yes you guessed it a member of staff had taken it off her. we were told there was no chain on her.seeing that all our family our working and are a very close knitted family. it could only be a member of staff . then a lady down the street who didnt know us but heard the story about what had happened at church knocked on the door and gave my brothers daughter a gold cross and chain just like the one that had been pinched from the from a member of staff.the lady said she had been told to do this in her sleep. [​IMG] [​IMG] sorry for the sad story coz i dont do sad but it shows for every scumbag out there . there are good people too. lady imp is a nurse and says she has seen this time and time again.we have now become friends with this lady now. she only in her fortys and a very normal lady with her own family and the only reason she gave was she had to put a wrong/right
  3. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    Helen, I don't usually take money to school with me but when I was working as a teaching assistant I occasionally took in �£10 for petrol which I always bought on the way home as the garage wasn't open in the morning. The first time I also had some shopping to do and when I came to pay thought that I should have had more money in my purse but couldn't be sure. The second time I had only taken the �£10, luckily I checked before filling up because there was nothing in my purse. We had suspicions of who it was but no proof. Needless to say I never take money to school any more. I know the school was in a deprived area but surely they could see that was the only money I had.

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