Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by rosa, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    I was quite suprised to recieve a letter from chief of police department.
    The letter was addressed to my hubby and this is what it says. I couldnt believe it.
    notice of intended prosecution
    request for information to identify driver of vehicle.
    in accordance to section 1 road traffic act etc etc.
    for the alleges offence of exceed the 30 mph limit
    at 12.40 hrs on 12/10/2007 at B1318 great north road
    the vehicle speed was recorded at 36mph

    I thought i was seeing things can you believe this, I know now i must of been doing 6mph over, but surelly the police have not got better things to do than this petty incident.
    Like catching drivers that are doing well over 50mph and recovering stolen vehicles.
    Has anyone else had this happen to them :confused: :eek: :(
  2. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    the hubby Linda he was doing a bit more then that but i dont think it matters how much over you still get fined �£60 and 3 points... :(
  3. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    i'm sure somebody could say this better...but, getting 'convictions' are points scored.
    i am not against police or whatever but i do /belive know their time is spent filling in forms etc.
    so to get someone nicked for speeding is their night. what about all the other crimes going on?
    where is the old adage "do wrong & you're out".
    another thread again?
    i understand what you mean.
  4. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Rosa, you've probably been caught by a camera, and from there it's all automatic. I think they are set to trigger a prosecution for anything over 10% (my figure may be wrong) but this is the nonsense of the government's claim that they are not meant to produce revenue. Sure, and Ed is a hippopotamus.
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    quite agree with everything thats been said and i definately believe in points scored and the government has a lot to answer for, apparently this stretch of road i was on, i never use it and everyone this area always assumed it was a 40 mph so it has been changed recently to 30 mph, funnily enough the guy that signed it is my friends brother, but he wouldnt know really as the letters are copies ready to be sent out.
    It was the way it sounded that got me and with this car its in my hubbys name, hes in africa at the moment and he just laughed on the phone, he couldnt believe it, well a nice �£60 in the governments pockets i guess.
  6. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    The motorist is easy meat, we usually pay up and shut up.
    The law only applies to the law abiding in this country, if your outside the law you can do what you like.
    If your dangerous, ...well. The skys the limit. :D
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    pete i quite agree with you, My father used to be a policeman and i grew up with the law,and when he was alive and retired he couldnt believe what went on.
    Just recently heres an example of the law, there was 2 funerals, 1 a friend of ours lovely man and another a rogue, they drafted that many police in our hometown in case there was trouble from this persons friends that he knew, we couldnt believe it, talk about resources getting wasted huhh.
  8. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007

    Remember what i said about them having to fill quota's of road offences within the month, makes me feel like i could spit it does :mad:


    You knocked the nail on the head, it's so unfair :mad:
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    paula, excactly, just heard i will get 3 endorsements on my licence and a �£60 fine, its not like i broke the limit deliberately, didnt even know i had done anything wrong till this letter arrived grrrr
  10. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    join the club 6o squid and 3 points for doin 35 in a 30.. makes you want to rob a shop or bank probably get off lighter :D :D
  11. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    I have no argument about getting caught if you are over the limit and know the limit. If i am in a 30 mph zone I stick to 30. Car speedos are fairly accurate at that speed and i don't object to speed cameras. If you speed then you should get nicked. i don't have much sympathy with those who say well the road was clear etc.
    What I don't like is that quite often the speed retrictions are not very clear. Between myself and my sons we got caught 4 times (only 1 for me). In 3 of those cases it was because we didn't know the speed limit, and if you go too slow you get everyone up your bumper making you feel a prat. i got caught like you Rosa where they dropped the speed limit down from 70 to 50 and I missed the new sign cause of a red light jumper and then saw the little signs too late. Younger son got caught after a complicated route that led into open country that you would think was deristricted - not so. Elder son got caught on a notorious road through the potteries to Leek. There are about 7 speed cameras but worse the speed limit changes so often. You get 40, 30, 50, 60. Stop at traffic lights and you can easily forget when you set off again. Its not so much the speed cameras I object to but the poor speed signing. All the people who are getting caught are not doing it deliberately surely. You would have to be a fool. Its not so much the fine as the insurance premiums. If you were a deliberate speeder on the road I mentioned you could lose your license in a single journey of less than 10 miles. 40 and 50mph are easy to spot because they stick the signs at intervals but not between 30 and 60 because you only have one sign at the beginning of the limit.
  12. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    Rosa i got a ticket on the main dual carrageway to Aberdeen airport,it also goes from 40 down to 30 went back later to see where sign post was showing 30,there was 1.really have to look for it,if your overtaking a truck you have no chance.we have a bridge going over the river Dee
    going one way its 30mph,coming back its 40mph work that one out
  13. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    I was caught speeding on my bicycle once doing 35 in a 30 zone I overtook a lorry but was being followed by a police car, he tried to give me a rollocking his mate thought it was funny could hardly keep his face straight, got away with it so there's your answer get a bike.
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    Apparently this paticular road i was on used to be a 40 and recently changed to 30, I saw no signs or cameras on this road, and intermiplants i feel the same way maybe i should of robbed a bank and i have more likely hood of getting off with it.I,m not a one for speeding and take great care on the roads.And i dont think going 36 is speeding especially in my car, its a big car and doesnt take kindly to a low 20 to 30, in fact these people that poodle along at 20 cause havoc on the roads.
    I was driving down a main road home tonight and this idiot didnt look and pulled straight out in front of me, making me break quite hard to avoid going into the back of him, I flashed my lights and he knew he had done wrong, you dont see these people getting caught that have no regard for others.
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Rosa,If you haven't done much over the limit then won't they let you go to the 'naughty school' as they call it so that you don't get the points on your licence.You will still have to pay the fine but wont' get your points.

    Mr Kandy got caught the other year when we were going on holiday and was towing the Caravan.The stretch of road had been one limit for years and then suddenly they dropped it down.We new something was wrong with the blinding flash in my passenger mirror as we were driving at night.When we got back home after two weeks there was the letter waiting for him.

    He also got caught while overtaking a van as he was rushing home on a half day'sholiday.He was caught by one of those speed guns being held by a chap standing by the side of the road and was obscured by the van he was overtaking.

    As he drives 2 litre cars he always tends to go faster than he should whereas I try to stick to the limit in my KA.I said that if he lost his licence he would have to bus to work as no way was I going to run him around.It has cured him,though he still does tend to drive faster than he should.

    When we were coming back from Hastings on Saturday there were car drivers doing less than 60MPH on the motorway.It was quiet unnerving being behind them.

    Good Luck with the outcome of your case

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