Do you take pride in your work?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Celia, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    Is it me? I waited in all morning for a delivery. I saw him arrive, I saw him go in the back of his van, I went to open the front door and he'd already pushed a card through to say I wasn't in and driven away!!! I rang Citylink, no he couldn't possibly come back as he was too busy with his deliveries. I rang the company I'd ordered from to arrange a timed devlivery, sorry they couldn't do that without my husbands permission because his name was on the order!! Aaarg!! This is on top of waiting 5 weeks for a velux window which they keep forgetting to put on the van and 12 weeks for a piece of furniture that should have been delivered 6 weeks ago. If you want to know what I look like I'm the one that is quickly going bald. Is it me? [​IMG] :mad: (ps thanks for listening, going to lie down in a padded room now, or eat tons of chocolate)
  2. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Celia. Don't eat the chocolate, it is very fattening. Make a litre of martini instead. 9 parts gin or vodka to 1 part Noilly Prat. Serve very cold with a twist of lemon. This may also be fattening, but you don't care. :D

    Know how you feel though. I just bought something on-line and, for speed used Paypal to pay. The money came out of my account Monday of last week (the first). Heard nothing, kept emailing the company. I have just had an email from Paypal today saying that the money had now been credited to the sellers account so I questioned it. No apology, apparently they hold it for 10 days and then charge a commission as well. :mad:
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    celia, thats most annoying, royal mail have done that to me in the past, they even stated i wasnt in and i was, had a right go at royal mail, got an apology and they gave me loads of first class stamps :D :D
    do hope you get your goods soon
  4. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    They are notorious for it ! I was by the front door and saw a slip come through the door. Opened the door and he's already jumped back in the van and off. I jumped in the car and pulled in front of him in the next road and retrieved my parcel I had waited in for. I am sure they get some sort of additional fee for undelivered, return visits. I actually got some post this morning ! :eek: Have the postmen finally come to their senses or did it end at mid-day today ?
  5. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    It does ring a bell...Parcelforce, if I remember right.
  6. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I think it depends on the drivers, the agency ones seem the worst.

    Thankfully most of the drivers local to me are happy to leave parcels with next door or out of site. The only exception are DHL who will not ree deliver unless you phone to arange and will not leave parcels even if you leave written instrucion.

    SAs for Royal Mail, till waiting for a leter posted in a box one mile away on the 2nd.
  7. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    Hubbie rang the parcel sender last night. Could they ask Citilink to deliver parcel after 4 today. Can't promise came the reply but the driver will phone to let you know when he's nearly there! Now have to wait in all day for phone call [​IMG] :mad: :rolleyes:
  8. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    An update. Got back home today after leaving very precise instructions to find a note on the "you weren't in" card. He'd gone to totally the wrong place, obviously cannot follow instructions, and gone away again. Fortunately, Father-in-law heard him go and chased him down the drive, not bad for a 77 year old with a hip replacement. Drivers excuse: he isn't obliged to go looking for some-one to sign for parcels. Obviously likes to drive for 2 hours each day for no reason. Needless to say very stiff letter of complaint gone to head office, by email, don't expect much in way of a response though. :rolleyes:
  9. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    When writing letters of complaint try to use snail mail. E-mail is too easy to ignore. With a letter you are more likely to get a response.
  10. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    if its not a delivery who cannot give a time its the gas man saying am when he means pm or the electric man saying pm then comes am and when you hit the roof and get no sense [​IMG] all you want is to get hold of someone give em the complaint right btween the ears.....then realise its a bad line and your just about to be put on hold in india.. celia next time your expecting a delivery and it comes on time turn the music up pretend you cant hear the door close your eyes and eat the biggest bar of choclate you can find :D :D :D
  11. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    I agree Goeff but with the mail the way it is at the moment I thought e-mail was safer. I feel so much better now I've got it off my chest though. Oh and my furniture has been put on the boat today, apparently it's coming from CHINA!!!! What's the point in using reclaimed timber if you are going to send it half way round the world, not eco-friendly at all :rolleyes:
  12. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Celia, just read this. i don't know how to put on here 'screaming, shouting, pulling hair etc., but yes i know how you feel.
    i recently had a similar experience.
    to bore you all - we had ordered a 3-piece set (for hallway-so not too imperitive) on trying to order from catalogue was told that the 2 price offer was out of stock. so asked could i order the 2 pieces seperately. yes. why then, i asked, can't i have them at the price offered for the 2 piece. cos, i was told, they have to order them seperately. i'm not going to bore you with the details, but i got them at the end to agree the catalogue price.
    so 2 items later & over one month,i'm wondering where my mirror was. finally i phone. the girl at the other end must have been new (i do not like to disparage people, they may not have been give the appropriate training etc), but she was a right dolly. again after 10 minutes of being told we 'returned' the item, and not accepting that, asking for a reason i.e were we not in, were neighbours not in etc, we got a **** reply and after lots of apologies were told it would be delivered on Monday.
    i was also told the 'shoes' would be there at the same time. seeing that we had received & returned unwanted shoes at least 3 weeks before, i told her to look again, that's putting it politely!!
    i told her we would defininatly be in on Monday. what happened? it came on the Saturday before. luckily these non existant neighbours took it in for us.
    in total it was over 8 weeks before it was all sorted.
    personally, i would not 'work' like this. i have worked in offices all my life & was not 'taught' to react this way. i think it is different now, half the people don't care neither do their employers.
    that's why sometimes i stick to 'good' companies. even though it may cost a bit more.
    i hope i haven't upset anyone by going on like this. just wanted a rant like Celia!

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