dog owners

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by borrowers, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    thats put it into perspective now :D :D :D :D [​IMG]
  2. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    Borrowers,i give my old dog sardines and half an aspirin every so often if he seems a bit sluggish.
  3. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    you lot! i will have to learn how to put the 'faces' on here!
    brilliant. thank you all for making me smile as well as giving me info.
    just goes to show gardenerners aren't as boring as accountants doesn't it!!???? well answer that one!
    elainefiz, does that seem to work then? i know oily fish is supposed to be good for all of us, joint wise. how often do you give sardines? aspirin though? don't you have to get checked out first (the dog i mean).we don't eat fish very often at all but would you be suprised to know we are all unfit (me, huubby & dog). all getting on too!
    if anyone knows how to get us humans 'going' too, please let me know - without 'those' websites please!!"!
  4. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Boss lady gives me the odd tin of sardines with half a viagra. Perks me up no end. :eek: :D The graemlins (the funny faces Borrowers) are very important. I was in trouble over my 'pornography' statement because I forgot to put the graemlins in and people thought I was serious. Once I had re-posted with graemlins my comment was immediately taken in context.

    All you need is the 'full reply form' under the reply box. Don't worry yet about Instant UBB Code. But to insert a graemlin just choose the one you want, click on where you want it to go in the message, and click on the one you want. Easy peasy. And don't worry if you get the wrong one to start with. Nobody will mind. :D
  5. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    I give him sardines in olive oil once a week borrowers.If i notice he`s walking badly or has a chew getting up i wrap half an aspirin in a bit of ham or whatever.That usually puts him right.If he doesn`t take the meat then i know it`s not just his joints giving him grief, so i watch him close and go from there.I wouldn`t say to just give yours this as you don`t say how old or what`s wrong,etc.,but dfordog is at the back end of 16 so i know him. [​IMG]

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